4.5: The Only 2 Guys in My life

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Kind of like a character sketch, but meh shrugs

So here I am, with a lot of time to kill.

Let me shed a little light on myself here. I'm extremely shy- and this was one of my greatest setbacks. I couldn't communicate with boys. The closest male human beings I have ever interacted with -one of them being Randy's hot older brother, Elijah Nielson.

The one who stole my heart and has yet to return it.
Okay, that was so cheesy. But I can't help it! He turns my extremely few words of conversation into complete doo-doo.

But one thing that' going to crush #Ellea is the fact that Eli is super popular.

And popularity is not my Olympic sport.

I mean, what's not there to like about him?

Eli, despite the popularity and girls flinging themselves at him, never ceased to be gentle to me. He's sweet, he's beautiful on the inside (and outside too, but that doesn't really matter.) I like him for who he is on the inside. I'm pretty sure the other six know about it, but they know better than to set me up for dates and moments alone with him because one: I've warned them since they watched The Secret Blind Date, and two: they know I'd pretty much freak out, pass out and Eli would be left alone in a room with a passed out half-dead girl on his hands.

Well, coming to Noah Hill.
Noah is a very, very sweet guy, probably the sweetest guy in the world! I might have diabetes! It's not humanly possible for me to even survive without him. He's like, to give you a better picture, the other side of my coin. If they swung that way, I'd have shipped them together. He's like Eli, but quiet, like me, which is why we're great friends. 

Noah also is the dude who's stood up for me from those potential bullies. If I'm being a little fantasical, he'd be the best friend who's been looking out for me all the time. But as I said, he's quiet, only speaks if there's a need to speak, like those CEOs they show in the shows. But we're all comfortable with each other.

Anyway, we both talk a lot when we're together, but pull us apart and you won't even know we're here. 

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