O-S 8 : Arcadia.

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Hellooo! ^^ Wrote this a while ago when Arcadia was released. I plan on writing a little something for each song. Even if finding ideas will be hard!

The lyrics here, are kind of three translations I found on internet. I may have adapted some lyrics to fit more my interpretation, too! Enjoy!

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          One of Namiko's hobbies was dancing. She was doing it inside of her room, where no one could see her, and no one outside of her family had ever seen her. She never thought about learning, she was just moving her body as she liked, expressing herself better that way. She didn't particularly care about if she was graceful, or if she was dancing well. She was just dancing.

           It was meant as a stress-relief, a way to blow off some steam and exercise. She would do it half an hour a day, back in the human world. Since arriving in the Devildom, she found it harder to find any time between RAD and her demons. She was starting to really miss it, so she had asked if she could use the sports hall for some time, keeping what she'd do there a secret. She couldn't let them know. They were dancing on a daily basis in front of her, and they were so good at it, she couldn't call what she was doing "dance" in front of them. That would be insulting.

           Everyone had seemed curious about what she would do there, but they had agreed to not disturb her until she would go out again. She thanked them, glad she didn't have to use the pact to force them. She didn't like to give them orders.

           That's how she ended up in that big room, all that space for her and her only. She smiled. She never got that much space before. She wouldn't need to be careful not to hurt herself on furniture. She would be free to do moves as wild as she wished, and be as messy as she'd like. Taking out her D.D.D, she opened DevilTube, and tapped on the play button, immediately placing herself in an empty area, and breathing in deeply, letting the music fill her heart. When the first lyrics came, she shivered, before moving.

Catch your breath to the usual place

I'll make you dream if you just wait, lady

Unlike them what do you think of me?

Your beautiful color captivates me

           Lucifer's voice was so beautiful in this. His voice had always been seducing, but when he was singing, she truly felt at peace. Safe. It was like he was protecting her. She had listened to that song time and time again, and she was still amazed. The lyrics. As much as she could be oblivious when it came to people's feelings, she was pretty sure that if the song was meant for someone, it was her. She knew him for a year and a half now, and she had never seen him with a lady, outside of work.

          She was the only "lady" he spent time with. Now the real question was, was he singing for her, or just singing a love song, not meant at anyone? But then, there was just too much emotion in it. She felt it in every word, in every syllable, in the way he was singing.

It's not a lie alright

(Let's take it slowly)

I won't disturb you anymore

(1 Round K.O but that's the end of the parallel lines)

          As she was dancing, closing her eyes, sure that she wouldn't hit anything, she kept wondering. It was hard for her to believe Lucifer could truly love her. Not that he wasn't the type. She knew he could love, just like everyone, even if his pride would get in the way of him admitting it, or indulge in it. Even more in the way of showing it in any way.

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