💙Scenarios - When You're On Your Period💙

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Nobody's P.O.V

You wake up feeling really nauseous. You slowly move your weak body out of bed and go to use the bathroom. You get excited knowing that Shinso was supposed to be coming over so you could just chill. When you sat down on the toilet, you saw blood on your pants and underwear. "FUCKKKK!" you shouted. "Why did it have to start today of all days?" You got really upset because you realized you had to clean your sheets and your clothes. You waddled to where you keep you p/p(period product), only to realize that you didn't have anymore.

Your P.O.V

I am so upset right now because I don't have anything p/p left. What do I do, I thought to myself. I'll text Shin-Shin and ask him to get me some. 


y/n: Hey Shin? I need to ask you something...

sleepyhead: What do you want to ask me, princess

y/n: Can you get me some p/p before you come over I don't have any more at my house :D

sleepyhead: ok sure but what kind also do u want anything else too

y/n: get me p/b(period product brand) in p/s(period product size)and p/p(period product) pls

sleepyhead: ok love you sweetie see ya soon ;D

I then heard a knock on my dorm room door assuming it was Shinso, I told him my door was unlocked so he could come in. I heard him close and lock my door after coming inside.  He started knocking on the bathroom door. I told him to peek the door and handed me a container of p/p(period product) "Thanks so much Shin." I then got in the shower and changed my clothes. 

Nobody's P.O.V

Shinso then helped y/n change and wash her bloodstained sheets and clothes. After doing that, he picked up a bag that he brought with him. "Whats that?" you asked out of curiosity. "I bought you some other stuff for you since you're on your period.  I didn't know what to get so I asked a lady who worked there." he said while scracthing his neck. "Awe Shinnn you didn't have to do that for me" "But I wanted to because your my princess" You kissed him on the cheek and layed in your bed and watched movies and Netflix all day.

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