chapter 22

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HAPPY HALLOWEEN BITCHESSS 🥳 i wanted to be draculaura but i'm poor.

song recommendation- crash by neovaii

"Guys! Wake up!" A voice called out from the front of the bus to him. His eyes fluttered open just to be closed shut when the bright bus lights made contact with his eyes. When he tried to get up, he felt someone holding onto him, he groaned and looked to his side with his brows joined together . Junkyu held onto his waist as he was fast asleep with no care whatsoever. Mashiho's eyes widened, he felt more awake now, he swatted Junkyu away from him and rushed out the bus leaving him there on his own and confused . Junkyu watched as he left out the bus after the members. He looked to the side and let out a sigh, watching him grab his luggages from the tinted window which was mostly reflecting him .

" Maybe I was too much." He muttered to himself and got up when he finally mustered up the courage to leave the bus.

Though he didn't have much time to, he needed to get out before the driver drove off. Dusk was starting to engulf the sky turning it a rich shade of dark blue, not yet a true night sky. even though it was starting to get warm, a cool breeze brushed against his skin once he exited the bus. His hair flowed with the breeze as he continued walking to the back of the bus to collect his luggages and help with moving some of the things they could fit in the trunk, like some boxes and things .

Some of the staff gave them a hand with the things so they didn't have to worry too much. He felt worn out though he really didn't do anything to make him feel tired at all. The night sky was starting to get darker the more time they spent outside. He took a quick glance at Mashiho. It was dark so he couldn't really see his face. But he was certain it was Mashiho. He could recognise him anywhere. His heart took a leap and he simply smiled to himself.

"We're just friends." He thought with that same smile on his face. The luggages were all out of the trunk now. Now it was their only job was to collect them. Colors of blue, black, red and more dimmed under the current lighting. He walked up to his luggage and held its handle.

The recent memory of Mashiho on the bus made him take a stop. His face twisted in confusion, his brows furrowed and his eyes seemed lost. as if they were subconsciously looking for something specific.

Then another memory took its place.

That night.

In his and Haruto's room.

Under the violet purple lighting.

A foolish smile surfaced his face. He was totally lost in that memory. The strong grip he once had when he thought about the previous memory now loosened. Butterflies in his stomach started to multiply and spread throughout his body. Once it hit his heart, he noticed.

"Ugh what is happening?" He thought to himself, losing the smile he once had on his face. Instead replacing it with a confused look.

"Junkyu?" Doyoung called out to him.

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