day 9- wedding

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Jason Todd-Wayne and Marinette Dupain-Cheng Announce Engagement and Wedding Date

Everything You Need to Know About Jason Todd-Wayne and Marinette Dupain-Cheng

Fashion Powerhouse Coccinelle Set to Marry Jason Todd-Wayne

The Wedding of the Decade: Here's What We Know

By Harmony Liao

At last night's Wayne Gala, Jason Todd-Wayne and Marinette Dupain-Cheng announced that they were engaged, much to the delight of fans everywhere. The ship has lovingly been dubbed "Jasonette" by the community and social media is ecstatic about this new development.

I spoke with Marinette Dupain-Cheng after the announcement and asked about the proposal, and how it went down.

"It was just another date, you know?" Marinette says to me. "Jason and I were at the Botanical Gardens, where we first met. I just turned around, and he was on one knee with a ring in his hand."

She informed me that Jason was a literature nerd and quoted Pride and Prejudice at least twice while proposing.

"I expect that he'll do even more for our wedding vows," Marinette laughs. "He'll always be a theatre kid at heart."

Social Media is blowing up over the announcement. As of 6:00 am today, #Jasonette has been trending for twelve hours straight. Celebrities everywhere are congratulating the couple on their engagement, even fashion designer Audrey Bourgeois, who is known for her cold, uncaring nature.

Jagged Stone ☑ @RockNRoll

Congrats to @Coccinelle and @JToddWayne on their engagement! I already have six songs written for your wedding!

Penny Rolling ☑ @RollingStoneRecords

Congratulations on the engagement, @Coccinelle and @JToddWayne!

Audrey Bourgeois ☑ @StyleQueen

@Coccinelle @JToddWayne Congratulations.

Bruce Wayne @BruceWayne

Congratulations @JToddWayne for finally proposing to @Coccinelle. I was starting to regret my decision not to adopt her into the family while I could.

my ass is better than Nightwing's ☑ @FlyingGrayson

Yay! @JToddWayne and @Coccinelle are engaged! Go congratulate them!

Tim Drake-Wayne @TimDW

@JToddWayne finally went and proposed to @Coccinelle! Congratulations Jason and Marinette!

Cass ☑ @CassandraWayne

Congratulations little brother @JToddWayne. @Coccinelle is my sister now. There is no escape :)

Damian Wayne ☑ @WayneHeir

I suppose I should congratulate @JToddWayne for finally finding the courage to propose to @Coccinelle. The ring has been in his underwear drawer for a year and a half.

Jason Todd-Wayne ☑ @JToddWayne

[Attached: a picture of Jason's right hand, intertwined with Marinette's left. Marinette's ring finger has a beautiful pink diamond ring on it.]

She said yes, obviously.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng ☑ @Coccinelle

[Attached: a silhouette of Jason and Marinette watching the sunset and leaning into each other.]

I wouldn't spend the rest of my life with anybody else.

We wish Jason and Marinette a long and happy future together!

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