Chapter 1

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The rain followed the thunder. I was an idiot to leave my umbrella at home.

A light sprinkle had just began and the raindrops seemed to get heavier as they pattered against the windows at Russo's.

It would get ugly. I had to get home.

The cafe was minutes away from closing and there was no way I could make it home dry if I walked. Maybe Ava could give me a lift.

I took a sip of my vanilla latte before setting it down and dialing Ava's cell.

"Hey darling, what's up?" She answered with a chirp to her voice.

"Hi, you know I hate to ask but do you think you could give -"

"Give you a lift? Always babe, Russo's?"

She's not psychic, unfortunately. I simply spend more time here than I do in my own apartment.


"On my way. I'll be there in five." 

With a quick thanks, I ended the call and took a moment to stare at two rain droplets on the window -- racing against one another. 

A car's horn goes off outside, followed by another and another. Ah, the beauty of city living. 

Outside the window, a crowd begins to form despite the rain. More horns go off and my own curiosity spikes.

Seems like a crash but I didn't hear any tire screeching or the crashing of metal. Then again, Russo's had the thickest glass windows and doors that I'd ever seen. Not much noise traveled in.

With zero shame, I got up from my little corner of the shop and made my way towards the scene. I was curious, sue me. If everyone else can do it, so can I.

The rain had become a light sprinkle, only tiny drops fell from the gray sky as I tried maneuvering my way through the condensed crowd of people. Eventually, I grew tired of trying. My height wasn't exactly serving as an advantage either. Don't these people have better things to do? That could be a little hypocritical of me but I don't actually have anything better to do. Hence my anti-hypocriticalness? Or would that be anti-hypocrisy? Whatever. 

Ava's call had me making my way away from the crowd. 

"Hey, you here yet?" 

"I'm 2 blocks away, at Pammy's bakery, I can see the crash at Russo's from here. Thought I'd steer clear of that." I made my way to her as she continued. "For a second I worried but then I realized you don't drive and I'm picking you up. Guess we've got to thank God for your lack of balls to get behind a wheel for that one." I can imagine the smirk on her face; she loved to attack my nonexistent driving skills. 

"Ha, ha. You know what? I am doing this world a favor. Your carbon footprint is probably off the charts. I probably have a master suite reserved for me in heaven because of my great civil service."

"Baby how about we focus on one existence at a time. And I'm telling you, in this one, you need a car. Along with some driving lessons preferably. I wouldn't want you becoming road kill and I certainly don't want you in jail either."

"Maybe one day." I end the call as I approach her white car. I slide in the passenger seat and she greets me with a kiss on the cheek.

"I'll personally give you those lessons if you agree to get a car." She promises in a sing-song voice as she heads to my apartment. 

"I'd rather take lessons from grammy if we're being real here. You drive like a maniac." I retort in the same tone.

"I simply aim to entertain my passengers, Alice." She throws a playful glare my way. 

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