Extreme Conservatives

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I need to cover both sides of the story. We explored the end of the Democratic Party, and now we will see the extreme side of the conservative party. I will not compliment the extreme conservatives. I know I did compliment socialists, but this is because socialism isn't made out of hate groups. There are hate groups on the left, but they aren't socialists. The extreme right is made of Neo-Nazis, the KKK, and many more, but we'll get into that later.

The term extreme right refers to right-wing, social, political, and religious movements that don't make part of mainstream conservatism. There are two large extremely conservative movements. The white supremacist movements, like Nazis, and the KKK. The other is the anti-government movements. Apart from these two, there are anti-abortion extremists, anti-immigrant extremists, anti-muslim extremists, and anti-public lands extremists.
People normally think that white supremacy is the only branch of extreme conservatism. It is not. 43% of right-wing incidents are white supremacist attacks, but there is so much more. The most active extremist groups include,
White supremacist religious sects: They use religious beliefs to defend and uphold racist views.
Traditional white supremacists: They uphold racist believes, directed towards the African American

community specifically, and they first took form as pro-slavery advocates.
Neo-Nazism: A modern version of the German Nazi Party, except it, doesn't control the government.
Racist Skinheads: A racist subculture, known for its violence.
White supremacist prison gangs: Prisons are filled with gangs, and white supremacists can even be found in prisons, especially if they've committed hate crimes.
Alt-right, Alt lite: They can be found on the internet and are known for upholding misogynist ideals.
Anti-government extremists: They believe that the government is evil commies (As if we were in the 50s), and spread conspiracy theories, also calling themselves, patriots (Again as if we were in the 50s).

Tax protest movement: They don't believe in taxes and often evade them.
Sovereign citizens: They believe that the government has no control over them. This is one of the few movements that include people of color.
Militia movements: They are one of the many that target immigrants and Muslims, claiming they are terrorists, but if they wanted to see a terrorist, they should've just looked in the mirror.
Incels: A misogynist movement that is known for violent attacks against women.
Far-right single-issue movements: They are movements that focus on one issue, like immigration, abortion, and more.
All of these movements are hate groups, and believe it or not, they make an impact on people.

The Far-right and the Far left are opposites, yet very similar.
They have very different opinions, obviously, but recently, the fight between these two, they seem hopelessly similar.
For example, both parties view themselves as the victims in the situation. The right says they are the victim of left extremism, and the left says they are victims of right extremism.
Both extremes are willing to take militant action (not referring to the socialist party, I am referring to hate groups). They both idolize violent purveyors, like Adolf Hitler and Che Guevara.
Scientists have also claimed that because of boredom, we decide to spend our time scrolling through social media. Extremists use this fact to create platforms and communities designed to rope in youth.

In the end, the far right and far left are different when it comes to policy, but they are very similar when it comes to strategy.

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