{ 4. H e a d c a n o n s }

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I have nothing to say except that these are headcanons I believe are true.

Thanks. Enjoy. :)


1. I feel like both of their love languages are physical touch. Like, whenever they are out, they're holding hands, or having their arm around the other, etc. 

2. When they are away from eachother, Jinora always spirit-visits him. Whenever they are far apart, they know they're together through the spirit world. 

3. I feel like since they're both outside a lot, they both have little freckles dotting their faces, Jinora mostly, but they'd both be cute.

4. Kai is very much ADHD, so when Jinora is trying to do something, he always wants attention.

5. I feel like the little siblings (Ikki, Meelo, and Rohan) absolutely love Kai and always get into trouble with him. I feel like he'd be very good with kids. 

6. If they somehow found out Kai's parents weren't dead (Edit: i made this draft days before i made the parents chapter :P), they would absolutely ADORE Jinora. "Is Jin coming over for Thanksgiving and Christmas this year?" "Yes, mom." haha.

but I feel like she's the type you can bring home to your parents and they end up loving her more than you (lol jkjk) 

7. I feel like Kai would be the type to get kinda jealous easily but not in a bad way just like oop- you were hanging out with another male >:(... let's cuddle =D. 

8. Going along with #7, I feel like Jinora would be like, "no that's MY bf, not yours >:(" lol 

9. They would def play among us together, and they would half the time couldn't kill eachother and use eachother as alibis, then the other half is brutal, like Jinora kills Kai and when someone reports it she's like: WhO KiLLed mY bF?

10. They would be THAT TikTok couple. Making cute dance videos together and whenever Jinora did a dance that she'd have to shake or butt or something in, Kai would be like no >:( mine >:|

11. Kai is an ELITE listener. Whenever Jin would go on little rants or anything, he'd always be there to listen, and would never judge her.


periods? got you.

rants? got you.

feel sick? I'll hold your hair back. 




13. I feel like Jin eventually grows her hair out longer, and its  BEAUTIFUL-

and kai is all like :0 let me braid it.

14. with #13, i think kai might be really good at doing hair, i have no idea why, but, ok.

15. lets say Korra and Asami's vacation lasts a while and when they come to surprise the two airbenders, they are hanging out and playing a game, Kai (kinda) letting Jinora win, and Korra is amazed at them. she ships so hard.

16. Bolin was the ORIGINAL kainora shipper. like that little scene when they rescue kai from the earth queen's prison, bolin was like :o *surprised Pikachu face* 

17. Don't tell anyone, but deep down, Mako is a fangirl. that's it. that's the headcanon. 

18. I feel like they would be very good at volleyball, being a volleyball player myself, and they could use their little air-bendie stuffs and be very good. 


I hope you enjoyed! There will DEF be more headcanons!!! 


words: 600

Who is your least favorite LOK character, and why?

Me: I'M SORRY... but Tenzin. He was so problematic and half the time he needed to get over himself >:( sorry for my rant.

Stay safe and beautiful!



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