The First Dance

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Dawn had risen at last over Red Fountain Acadamy, blue and orange lingered in the sky above the grand school of warriors. Different from Alfea by a mile, they trained those willing to fight, to hone their skills. As with every school there is a headmaster and slews of professors. Headmaster Saladin was a fair- minded man most of the time, but he did expect order yet.

The news of Virtus Vita, of Realia, getting into a fight with another student caused Saladin to furrow his brows.

Virtus sat through his lecture all that while, trying not to glare at Kaunami. The perpetrator of said fight. Bruises lingered on either one's face. His knuckles were still red and sore.

"Virtus, have I made myself clear?" Saladin spoke, with all the power of a general.

Sitting straighter up, he gave a swift nod. Painful it was to do even that. "Yes, headmaster. I promise, it won't happen again." He muttered.

"See to it that no such thing occurs again, you both are young, capable men. Should this happen again, I'm afraid expulsion may be in order. You're dismissed to your dormitory's."

Both bowed their heads, muttering thank you. Kaunami was taller than Virtus, at least six foot in comparison to his five foot and six frame. Once they were ear shot from their headmasters room, he gave Virtus a sneer of a look.

"Next time may not be lucky. Must be nice, having your little boyfriend protecting you."

"Like wise, Kaunami: From the same school we may be, I won't hesitate again. Next time, Brandon won't be there to hold me back."

With a single glaring look, they both retreated. One for his dormitory and the other, to the dragon stables. It is here where Virtus found himself most at peace, amongst their dragons. One in particular he greets at the far end of his cell. Red Fountain dragons were pale skinned, with different colored wings.

Ruina had wings the color of a raven, his eyes a ruby shade that glow in the dark. No one else could get near him. There were rumors, he was born of a wicked dragon who once burned an entire kingdom. Others, that he had been conjured by witches of dark arcane magic.

He cast them a faint smile, reaching his hand to rub along Ruina's cheek when he lowered his head.

"I know, I should be more careful, with Kaunami. Nay, perhaps I should be more afraid of Tristitia had she found out the truth of what happened. Hell hath no fury..."

"You know how she gets, Ruina... here she is, the youngest looking out for me." A faint chuckle escaped, as his dragon nudged his cheek light. Licking it once. "If I told her I got in a fight, over something stupid, she'd never let me live it down."

"That's why Headmaster put you on lockdown, for a week?"

Whirling on his heel, cape of his school uniform billowing slight behind him, Virtus calmed some to see that it was only Riven leaning against the stable entrance. He could see the latter glancing at his still bruised knuckles, from two days prior. They were beginning to yellow some.

"Riven, you're back from the mission?" he asked. Avoiding his question.

Riven jutted his chin, narrowing his violet eyes. "You didn't answer me, that's why you were under lock down? For decking Kanaumi?"

"More or less. Yeah. He....called Tristitia something, I don't feel too comfortable repeating again."

Riven had an inkling as to what it was. "Pretty stupid if you ask me, a fight over a bad name. Here I thought you were the more mature one."

Virtus pursed his lips, feeling Ruina lift his head for Riven to pat his long neck. "Well, it's too late to turn back the clock. I'm just thankful Brandon was there. Kaunami got off a little easy today."

Of Melody and Starsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें