Chapter 2: Class 1a

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You are still in the car looking out the window, and you notice you pulled into the driveway of a big house. "We're here" Aizawa says as he gets out of the car. Eri unbuckled her seatbelt and says "Come on!" You flinch from the noise and start to unbuckle your seatbelt. You get out of the car and follow Eri and Aizawa into the house.

When you walk in, you see two other people. You hide behind Aizawa and he chuckles. "It's okay, Y/n" he tells you. "They won't hurt you." You slowly move from behind Aizawa, until you're standing in front of a purpled haired teenager and one of the other heroes that were with you in the hospital.

"Hi Y/n, I'm Shinsou" the purple haired boy says. You think How did he know my name? "My dads told me about you, and I won't let anyone else hurt you" he says reassuringly. "O-okay" you reply. The other hero you recognized steps forward and says "Hi, I'm Mic. We're so happy you're here with us". He smiles at you, and you slightly smile back.

"Eri why don't you take Y/n to your room" Aizawa says to the little girl.
"Okay!" she says back excitedly. "Come on, Y/n-chan." You follow Eri up the stairs and into a bedroom. When you get there, you see a lot of toys and a bed. That's a lot of toys you think. "This my room and now we can share it" Eri says to you.

"O-okay" you reply. "Do you wanna play dolls with me?" Eri asks you. You nod and Eri pulls you over to the big dollhouse in the corner of your room. 30 mins later, Aizawa calls from downstairs. "Girls dinner is ready!" Eri yells back "Okay!", causing you to flinch. "Oh sorry y/n-chan. I forgot not to yell" Eri apologizes. "It's o-okay" you reply.

After dinner, you and Eri go back upstairs and get ready for bed. Aizawa had told you that you would have to go to work with him the next morning, so you had to get some sleep. You and Eri finish up brushing your teeth and walk back to her room. "You can sleep in that bed" Eri tells you while pointing to a second bed that had been put in the room a few minutes ago.

You look down and whisper "C-can I s-sleep with you t-tonight?" Eri smiles and responds with "Sure, but we should ask Dadzawa first." "D-dazawa?" you ask. "Yeah that's what I call Aizawa" "O-oh okay." You go downstairs with Eri and see Aizawa sitting at the table grading papers. "Dadzawa" Eri says. "Can y/n-chan sleep with me in my bed?" "That's okay. I'll be upstairs in a few minutes to tuck you in" Aizawa replies.

"Okay" Eri says while pulling you back up the stairs. You get into bed, and a while later Aizawa came to tuck you in and say goodnight. After he left, you stared at the ceiling for a couple of hours before drifting off to sleep.


The next morning, Aizawa comes and wakes you and Eri up to get ready. You get up and go brush your teeth. After you're done, you go to Eri's closet to find an outfit to wear. You're looking through the closet when you see an outfit that catches your eye. It's a red and white plaid dress with a black belt around the waist. You put the dress on and find some matching shoes.

You go downstairs to see everybody sitting at the table. You sit down next to Eri and Shinsou. "Aww you look adorable Y/n-chan" Shinsou says. You slightly smile and look at Eri. She is wearing a red t-shirt that says United with a black skirt and black and red striped leggings. "Good Morning" she says when she noticed you were looking at her. "G-good morning" you reply.

You all eat breakfast and get into the car. When you get to U.A., you are amazed at how big the school is. You all get out of the car, and walk into the school. You guys are early since Aizawa and Mic are teachers, so there were no students there yet. "Follow me, Y/n-Chan" Eri says to you.

Eri and Aizawa walk to a room with a big door and you follow behind them. Aizawa unlocks the door and you go in. You see the room is full of chairs and tables, and go sit down at one. Aizawa looks up at you and smiles. "Y/n come sit with me" Eri says. You get up and go to the big table in the back where Eri is.

Aizawa comes up to you guys and gives you and Eri both som crayons, paper, and pencils. You pick up a pencil and take a piece of paper. You start to draw a picture of you and Eri until you hear someone walk into the room and you look up. You see the green haired boy from yesterday and walk over to him.

"Oh, hi Y/n-chan" he says when he notices you standing next to him. You give a small wave, then go back to the table. You decide to add the boy to your picture, then you remember you don't know his name. "H-hey, what's h-his n-name" you ask Eri while pointing at the boy. "Oh, that's Mr.Deku" Eri tells you.

"Mr.Deku" you mumble, then go back to your drawing. A few minutes later, a bunch of people came into the room and sat at the tables. Some of them would look at you and smile, but then go back to whatever they were doing.

Suddenly a loud bell rings, causing you to yelp and cover your ears. "Are you ok Y/n" Aizawa asks you. You slowly take your hands off of your ears and nod. "Sorry about that. I forgot you weren't used to that" Aizawa apologizes. "I-it's okay" you say then go back to your drawing.

About 5 minutes later, you finish your drawing and decide to show it to Mr.Deku. You get up and walk up to him with your eyes on the ground. You hand him the drawing and stand there looking at the ground. "Wow!" Mr. Deku says, then picks you up. "That's amazing Y/n-chan." You smile, then take your picture back.

"Can I see please" Aizawa asks you. You nod and Mr.Deku puts you down. You walk to the front of the class and hand it to Aizawa. His face lights up, and he smiles. "Omg Aizawa-Sensei did you just smile?!" a girl with pink hair and skin asks. "Omg Mina did you just get detention" Aizawa says.

"This is really good Y/n" Aizawa says. You smile and walk back to where you were sitting. "What did you draw?" Eri asks you when you sit back down. "I-I drew y-you and m-me and M-Mr.D-Deku" you say. "Can I see?" Eri asks. "S-sure" you say. You show her the picture and she smiles big and bright.

"How did you do that?" she asks you. You shrug your shoulders and get another piece of paper. You decide to draw a picture of one of the kittens back at the house. It's a orange and white kitten and she had a pink collar on. About 20 minutes later, the bell rings again. All the people started to leave the room, and Aizawa asks "Are you guys hungry?"

You and Eri both nod. Aizawa pulls out two bowls with lids on them and opens them. He sits them in front of you and Eri and hands you both forks. You start eating, and finish after about 10 minutes.

Aizawa chuckles and says "let's get you cleaned up." He picks you up and carries you into the staff bathroom to wipe off your face. The rest of the day, you sat in the classroom and drew and played with Eri.
word count: 1363
A/n: Sorry I haven't been posting. I've had things to deal with and my mental health hasn't been the best. Thank you for 70+ views on the last part. Also, what name should I call you guys by? Bye and gn.

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