Chapter 4: The Panic Attack

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Aizawa acted immediately, got his scarf, and tried to wrap it around the blue haired villain. But he dodged it and took this chance to grab you by the neck from behind.He held one finger out as if it would hurt you. You were scared and crying. Eri is staring at you with fear in her eyes and Aizawa looked really worried."If you give me the child I won't hurt her" the man says looking at Eri. "There is no way you are getting either of them" Aizawa replies in a gruff voice.

All of a sudden the man let's go of you and you turn around to see Shinsou standing there. "Walk to the police station and turn yourself in" Shinsou says to the guy while using his quirk.He walks away and Aizawa and Shinsou run up to you. "Y/n are you okay?! Did he hurt you?!" you bombarded with questions. "I-I'm okay" you say with a smile."We should go in the house now" Aizawa says. You all walk back into the house and ate lunch. After lunch, you go back upstairs and play with Eri.

About an hour later, you get bored with the toys and go back downstairs. You see Aizawa and Mic sitting on the couch watching a movie. "U-Uhmm..." you say. "What do you need Y/n?" Aizawa asks. "C-Can I d-draw s-something?" you ask while looking down at the ground. Aizawa smiles and says "You can. Go ask Eri for some paper and pencils." "O-Okay" you reply. 

You go back upstairs and into the room with Eri. "E-Eri-chan? C-can I please h-have s-some pencils a-and paper?" you ask when you get into the room. "Sure!" she says and walks to one of the drawers/cabinets in the room. She pulls out the things you asked for. "Here you go" she says while handing you the paper. You take the supplies and sit back down on the floor.

Another hour later, you look at the work you had done. You smile, and start to color the picture in. Eri looks over at your drawing and her face lights up. "Wow Y/n-chan! That looks so good!" she says excitedly. "T-thank you" you say and continue coloring in the picture. 20 minutes later, you finish coloring in the picture. You had drawn a picture of you, Eri, Aizawa, Mic, Shinsou, and two of the kittens. 

You get tired of drawing and look around the room. It was really big and you were still amazed. You wanted to go explore the rest of the house since you hadn't yet. "E-eri-chan, I-I wanna g-go look a-around" you say. "Ok but I wanna come with you so I can show you around" she says excitedly. "O-Okay" you say. You both get up and walk out o the room and into the hallway.

"So this is obviously the hallway" Eri says. "And down there is Shinsou's room, but Pikachu is always in there for some reason" Eri says while pointing to the door you had come from earlier. "Down there is Dadzawa and Mic's room" She says while pointing to the opposite end of the hallway.

30 minutes later, Eri finished showing you around the whole house. You are amazed because you had always lived in small, one-story houses. Now, you didn't know what to do. "Now I'm bored" Eri says as if reading your mind. "Do you wanna watch a movie?" she asks. "S-sure" you reply. You both walk downstairs and climbed onto the couch where Aizawa and Mic were sitting.

"Hey, girls" Aizawa says. "Hey dad" Eri replies. "We wanna watch a movie." "Okay what movie do you wanna watch?" he asks you both. You think I never got to watch tv much back with daddy. Thankfully, Eri says "Let's watch (Movie of your choice)!" You smile and sit down facing the tv as Aizawa put the movie on. You were happy, and couldn't think of anything that had ever made you happier. All the thoughts of the things that had happened to you in the lab and thoughts of your past family left your mind.

An hour and 30 minutes later, the movie ended and you looked over to see Eri sleeping peacefully. You yawn and realise that it was now dark outside. Aizawa noticed your yawn and says "I think it's time for bed." You nod and get up from the couch. You walk upstairs and go into the bathroom. You brush your teeth and put some pajamas on. 

You walk into the room you share with Eri and see Aizawa tucking her in while she was still sleeping peacefully. You decide to sleep in your own bed tonight. You climb into bed and crawl under the covers. Aizawa walks over to you and smiles. "I see you decided to sleep in your own bed tonight" he said. You smile and nod. "I love you." I-I love y-you too." 

After tucking you in, Aizawa turned the light off and closed the door. You sit up as soon as the door closed and started to hyperventilate. Aizawa immediately opened the door back and came back in. He came back to the bed and pulled you into a hug. "It's ok. calm down" He whispered softly.

You eventually stopped crying and calmed down. "So I'm guessing you want the door open" Aizawa says. You nod and lie back down and all of a sudden the tiredness from earlier sweeps back over you. Your eyelids start to feel heavy and you crawl back under the covers. Aizawa tucks you back in and leaves, leaving the door open. Your eyes slowly close and you feel calm and happy. You drift off to sleep.


Word count: 950 

A/n: Sorry for not posting recently and for this short chapter. I'm out of school now and will be posting more often and maybe longer chapters. If you have any suggestions, let me know because I'm running out of ideas. Thank you so much for 160+ reads. I really appreciate it. Thanks for reading this book and have a wonderful day/night/morning/evening. :)

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