Chapter 5: Late Christmas Special

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It is the Christmas eve and you've been with your new family for almost 3 months. You've gotten used to most of your new life and everyone in it. You've been talking with the people in the class Aizawa teaches and you all have become Friends. You are happier than you have ever been, and you aren't as jumpy. You have been stuttering less and less everyday.

You met one of Eri's friends, Kota, and you all got really close. You were taught about Christmas and you loved the idea. You thought you should get presents for everyone to celebrate, but you didn't know how to ask Aizawa if you could. You decided to draw each person a picture and have been working on them for 1 week.

You, Eri, and Shinsou decided to work together to surprise Aizawa and Mic. You three drew a big picture together and Shinsou wrote "We love you, Dads." You had never called them that before, so it would be another surprise for them.

You don't remember much about your past life or family, but you remember that you had an older brother. You also remember your dad telling you they didn't love or care about you anymore. You were still really young, so you just cried.

You sap back into reality when you hear the movie you had been watching on the couch with the family and Denki had ended. You look around and notice Eri and Denki are asleep. Denki is in Shinsou's arms and Eri is laying in between Shinsou and Aizawa, also leaning up against Shinsou and Aizawa.

You yawn and feel your eyelids start to get heavy and you lean on Eri's shoulder. The last thing you saw before falling asleep was the big Christmas tree, decorated with lights and Christmas decorations.


You wake up in bed to Eri shaking you and saying "Wake up, Y/n. It's Christmas!" You sit up and rub your eyes. You realize what Eri said and quickly get out of bed to go help wake everyone up. You and Eri go into Aizawa and Mic's room, and climb onto their bed to wake them up. Eri says "Dads! Wake up, it's Christmas."

They both sit up and Aizawa says "Alright let's go downstairs and eat breakfast, the we'll open presents." You all leave the room and Mic goes to wake up Shinsou while the rest of you go downstairs.

After everyone came downstairs and ate breakfast, you all sat down in the living room to open presents. You didn't really know what to ask for, so you just let them figure it out. You all finish opening your presents and everyone seems happy. Then Eri says "Oh, we also have something for you, dads" then she pulls out the card you had made.

Aizawa and Mic were very happy and they pull you all into a hug. "I l-love you d-dads" you say while still hugging them. Aizawa and Mic pull away from the hug and look at you surprised. "What did you just say" Aizawa says with a unfamiliar look on his face. At first, you thought he was mad, but then you saw a tear roll down his face.

"Oh, dad, don't cry" Shinsou says, wiping his tears. "D-did I do something w-wrong?" you ask, starting to feel bad. "Oh you didn't do anything wrong, Y/n. These are happy tears!" he says reassuringly. "H-happy tears" you mumble. "Alright, it's time to clean up this mess" Aizawa says standing up.

After you all finished cleaning up and everyone got dressed, you noticed it was snowing outside. Eri notices you looking out the window and walks over to you. "Omg it's snowing!" she says with a big smile on her face. "Dad can we go play in the snow pleaseee?" Eri asks Aizawa. "Sure thing, kiddo" Aizawa replied.

You all put your jackets, gloves, hats, and boots on and went outside. At first, the snow was really cold but you got used to it. "Let's make a snowman!" Eri says excitedly.

You all go in an hour later and get snuggled up and under the blankets. It's lunch time so Aizawa goes into the kitchen to make everyone food. You wanted something to do, so you went and got your ipad you had gotten for Christmas.

"Hey Y/n do you wanna play among us with me and Shinsou?" Eri asks. "What's A-Among Us?" you ask. Eri gasps. "Yeah you need to play this game. It's really fun!" You agree to play and eri teaches you how to play the game.

After a while of playing the game, you got tired. You yawned and looked at the time. You saw it was 10:30 and decided to go to bed. You said good night to everyone and changed into your pajamas. You fell asleep smiling after being tucked in.
Word Count: 822
A/n: Omg this is so late. I am so sorry. I really meant to get this out on Christmas eve but I was procrastinating and had no motivation. Thank you so much for 350+ reads. It really means the world to me. Again I'm so sorry. I hope you have a good morning/night/evening/ day. Go eat something and drink some water. Like I'm serious go do it right now. Bye my simps.💗

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