[2] Melt

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YuXin looked at Kun blinking for a few times, trying to process his answer. Did he just said no thanks, YuXin giggled at the hilarious exchange. Kun on the other hand, remained stoic and looked straight, ignoring YuXin.

YuXin, "Hey you are the famous ice prince isn't it?"

YuXin leaned closer to Kun, tapping her finger on Kun's shoulder as the latter moved away from her touch immediately as if it was scorching hot. He glanced at her coldly before staring straight. YuXin bit her lips to suppress her smile, this guy is such a cold block of ice. With her mind set on teasing him to rile him up, YuXin apologised with a grin, "Sorry, you probably dislike that nickname. But you are certainly handsome enough to be a Prince. How about just calling you Prince instead?"

Kun, "Just call me Kun."

Kun was secretly hoping the conversation would end there and then with him giving his name but YuXin had other plans.

YuXin, "Alright, Kun Kun."

YuXin said his name with an airy and sweet tone, observing Kun's reaction closely. Just as she predicted, Kun turned and glared at her while she flashed an innocent smile.

Kun, "You.. You.."

He was speechless at her calling him in such a sweet manner that his ears started turning red. This cold block of ice turned out to be someone who's easily shy when teased, now I won't be so bored in class, YuXin thought to herself.

In the following lessons, YuXin kept poking fun at Kun, calling him Kun Kun and whispering to him, bent on getting some reaction from him. However, Kun remained unperturbed after a while as his eyes stare straight at the teacher, taking down notes meticulously like a model student. YuXin on the other hand, was getting bored and decided to doodle on her textbook instead.

"YuXin, are you listening? Since you're our top scorer for the cohort, why don't you come up to the board and solve this?" the math teacher, Mr Song, commented, staring down at YuXin angrily upon seeing that she was doodling in her book. He particularly dislikes students who were troublemakers in class and he could sense that YuXin would be one of them.

Smiling YuXin reached for the marker at the board and scribbled down the answer effortlessly.

Mr Song,"that's the basic. Now can you solve this then?"

He scribbled down the complicated advance math question, dead set on making YuXin lose face.

Unfortunately for him, YuXin simply looked at the question and completed it within a minute. The question was considered a piece of cake for YuXin. The rest of the class let out a gasp of admiration, some of them who tried to attempt the question on their own have yet to write down the second step and YuXin was already done.

Smiling, YuXin placed the marker down and looked at Mr Song, "Is my answer correct?"

Mr Song who was flabbergasted by her swift and accurate answer, stuttered out, "Yes.. Go.. Go back to your seat and focus."

YuXin flashed a huge smile at Kun as she caught his eyes while walking back and the latter simple pressed his lips together, not showing any shred of emotion. Cold as usual, YuXin thought.

Alas, the school bell chimed, signalling for the recess and Xue Er walked towards YuXin's desk and the latter simply held onto Xue Er's hand, dragging her to the canteen impatiently.

YuXin, "I'm starving.. Hurry up!"

Xue Er, "Coming..."

Luckily for YuXin, the queue in the canteen was not that long. She turned to Xue Er and said, "What are you going to get?"

Xue Er was about to reply when a commotion started at the entrance of the canteen. Chatters and swooning of the girls started getting louder and louder.

YuXin, "Whats that noise all about? Are they so smitten by Kun Kun?"

Xue Er frowned her brows, trying to process the name in her head and gasped, "Kun Kun? You call the ice prince Kun Kun?!"

YuXin nodded her head as a matter of factly, "Isn't Kun Kun a much better name than ice prince?" Hearing YuXin's reply, Xue Er could only laugh awkwardly. She didn't think that Kun Kun was an appropriate name either, neither does the ice prince look fits the cutesy name Kun Kun but since her friend is calling him that and he doesn't seemed to reject it then it is all good.


YuXin stretched her arms up lazily and stuffed her textbooks under her table, packing her bags with just sheets of homework. She has never brought back any of the textbooks since she does not refer to them back at home. In actual fact, YuXin has already read through the textbooks during the holidays and had already understood most of the concepts. Kun on the other hand, stood up with his neatly packed bag and started walking off.

YuXin, "Goodbye Kun Kun, see you tomorrow."

She said just loud enough for Kun to hear and waved goodbye to him.

Xue Er, "YuXin, I'm going off first, my mom is waiting for me."

YuXin nodded and waved Xue Er goodbye, making her way out of the classroom slowly after. When she reached the bottom of the winding stairs, a group of 6 year one girls surrounded her and pulled her into a secluded area at the back of the school unceremoniously.

YuXin,"what is this? Another kind of welcoming ceremony?"

YuXin struggled to break free from the fierce grip of the girls but failed. The girls poured a pail of water on her causing her to be drenched from head to toe. She swept her hair back that was dripping wet with water and tried to squeeze the water out from her uniform, a sad attempt to salvage the situation. Sighing, she looked at the group of them thinking about the cause of this random kidnap in the school. She didn't have to think long before one of the girls spat,"Leave our ice prince alone!"

If it was an appropriate moment, YuXin would have rolled her eyes and guffawed in laughter. Instead, she simply raised her brows and questioned, "Leave him? But I sit next to him. Why do I need to leave him? How about you asking him to leave me?"

A girl in ponytail stood up and slapped YuXin across her cheek.

"Stop being cheeky. You better stop talking to Kun, flirting with him and twirling that long hair of yours."

The girl glared at YuXin menacingly, trying to intimidate YuXin but the latter was feeling slightly annoyed and amused at the whole situation instead of scared. YuXin looked down, noticing the sandy ground and decided to use it to her advantage.

She kicked up swiftly, causing the sand the disperse in the air and the girls started covering their eyes, loosening the grip on her. In that moment, she caught one of them and twisted her arms behind her back, locking the girl's movement as the girl whined in pain.

YuXin, "I don't fight girls, so lets just be amicable with one another and drop this."

Unbeknownst to her, the girl in the ponytail got angered even more and took out a pair of sharp scissors, yelling, "I'm going to cut that hair of yours, give you a good makeover." She lunged towards YuXin with the blade open pointing at her. YuXin barely had enough time to react but managed to grab on to the scissors with her left hand and twisted it out of the girl's hand. The scissors sliced YuXin's palm in the process and blood began to drip down.

Feeling the sting from the open wound, YuXin grimaced in annoyance, cursing softly and placed the blade of the scissors on the neck of the girl who was still trapped in her right hand.

YuXin, "Is this what you all want?"

The other girls stared at YuXin in shock, their lips quivering slightly seeing how the situation took a turn for the worse. They just wanted to scare YuXin off and didn't expect things to go down this way. YuXin took the scissors and let go of her grip from the girl she held hostage. Calmly, she cut off a chunk of her own hair, "Is this enough?" The girls stood there stared at her speechless as they couldn't believe what just happened.

YuXin, "Don't play with the scissors, it's dangerous."

YuXin smiled and return the pair of scissors to the girl, placing it firmly on her hand before walking off.

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