[17] Dance

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YuXin, "Kong Zhuzhu, did your brother mentioned about the dance battle with Saint Anthony to you?"

Xue Er nodded her head, "Yeah.. But I'm busy.. Are you going?"

YuXin took a bite of her food and nodded glumly, "Yeah, but I'm not dancing. Banned competition according to my brother."

Turning to Kun, YuXin asked, "Kun Kun, do you want to come along? The girls in dance club had been talking about you.. Maybe you can come and give them moral support."

Kun nodded his head, "I'll go."

Zhengting stared at Kun with his piece of chicken hanging in his mouth. Since when does Kun go for such events? Xue Er pushed Zhengting's jaw up, closing his mouth and teased, "Stop drooling when you look at Kun." Zhengting smiled sheepishly and chewed on his food, thinking Kun would probably move mountains for YuXin if she wants him to.


On the day of the dance battle, the dance studio was relatively packed with people. YuXin pulled Kun, who was wearing a hat to the front and sat down on the floor with him. "Kun Kun, thanks for coming. I saved you a spot with the dance club."

The girls in the dance club started gasping when they saw Kun sitting amongst them. They didn't expect the ice prince to come to their club's event. YuXin flashed them a smile and said, "You girls better work hard and show Kun Kun your skills later."

The dance battle started off relatively mellow with Jiaer and Yibo leading the 8 vs 8 dance routine against the other school. They managed to win the round with no surprise with their cohesive choreography down to every detail.

The exciting moment came when there's the one vs one dance battle for the freshmen where each school sends out one contestant per round to battle against each other.

Jiaer sent out a girl who specialises in jazz, battling against another girl in waacking. The judges were in favour of the girl dancing in Jazz and she continued with her battle against another dancer. Everyone was hyped up in the dance battle, cheering for both dancers on the floor regardless of their schools. YuXin especially, was grinning widely and cheering for the freshmen and enjoying the music as she bobbed her head to the rhythm of the music. Kun glanced at YuXin with a smile seeing how she was enjoying every bit of moment in the dance studio.

The bustling atmosphere however, was ruined for YuXin when she saw the guy opponent making obscene movement of slapping the girl's butt on the dance floor.

YuXin gritted her teeth angrily and muttered, "keep your dirty hands to yourself."

Unfortunately, the guy won the round and another freshmen girl stepped up to the dance floor for the battle. Upon seeing that his opponent is yet another girl, the guy scoffed and started his dance moves, incorporating a move that was akin to humping on the floor within his choreography. The girl tried her best to execute her moves but she was disturbed by how the guy kept moving closer and closer to her while she dance.

In the end, the guy won the round again and he began jeering, "girls can't dance powerful moves like I do, stop sending them up against me."

Hearing his rude jeering and offensive moves, YuXin couldn't take it any longer and stood up, stomping to the middle of the dance floor, determined to make him eat his own words.

Yibo held out his hand and wanted to stop YuXin but Jiaer held him back," Bro, that asshole deserves a lesson. Anyway, one battle won't hurt meimei."

Yibo clenched his fist tightly and glared at the guy furiously, "He better not do anymore dirty moves or he's dead."

The guy started break dancing, and could barely hold a baby freeze and handstand for mere seconds before doing some halfass flares missing the beat of the music and YuXin looked at him with pure amusement.

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