[19] Disaster

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Kun looked at YuXin with a slight crease on his forehead, "Are you sure?"

YuXin nodded her head confidently, "Yeah.. I always wanted to try cooking. Curry rice doesn't look that difficult the last I saw you cook" I don't believe I can't cook a decent meal.

Yibo had banned YuXin from any sorts of cooking in the house, citing that he didn't  want the house to burn down and YuXin never had the chance to try cooking after her disastrous soup episode. She made a huge mess in the kitchen and it scarred Yibo when he saw the horrendous result of YuXin's cooking.

Kun said softly, "Okay.. Do you need help?"

YuXin stretched out her arm and stopped Kun, "It's okay! You can go shower first, you're all sweaty from practice."

Kun replied, "Mmn.. Call me if you need help."

Stepping into the kitchen, YuXin opened Kun's fridge that was filled with ingredients arranged neatly. She took some time to pick out the ingredients needed and placed them on table. Picking up an onion, YuXin stared at it for a moment, how do I dice this again?

She cut off the top of the onion on the chopping board and peeled off the outer layer. So far so good. Then, everything went downhill from there. YuXin, sliced the onion into half and cut it into smaller halves again.. Before realising Kun didn't cut it that way.

Crap, I'm supposed to cut it horizontally then vertically, she thought. YuXin shook her head and decided to just chop it up, its the same when cooked anyway.

"Kun Kun... Help.." YuXin sobbed loudly and sniffed. Hearing her cries for help, Kun immediately rushed out of the toilet. YuXin was tearing up uncontrollably with her eyes closed as though she was in pain.

Kun, "YuXin, what's wrong? Are you hurt?"

YuXin sobbed, "Kun Kun.. Onion.."

Kun let out a laugh as he entered the kitchen seeing YuXin holding on to the knife and the half chopped onions on the cutting board. The adorable sight of her struggling in the kitchen made his heart melt.

Kun, "Hold on, I will wipe your eyes."

Kun took the knife from YuXin's hand and placed it down. Taking a clean hand towel, he ran it under water for a while before wringing it. Kun blot it on YuXin's eyes area gently, trying to remove the residue of the onion.

Kun, "Better? Try opening your eyes."

YuXin fluttered her eyelids carefully, and gradually opened her eyes when it didn't hurt anymore, "Ah, I can see now!"

"Thanks Kun -" YuXin turned to Kun with a huge grin and stared at him in shock. Kun was standing there with his hair dripping wet and his upper body naked with just a white towel wrapped around his torso.  YuXin couldn't help but stare with her mouth slightly agape at Kun's half naked body that was dripping wet with water droplets sliding down his chiseled abs. Her heart was beating rapidly seeing Kun in this manner and she felt her throat slightly drying up.

YuXin, "K-Kun Kun.. Why.. Are you dressed like this?"

"I ran out from the toilet. Are you alright now?" Kun didn't seemed to notice anything wrong about him being half naked and was more concerned about YuXin's eyes. He caressed YuXin's chin to lift her head up and leaned in closely to check on her eyes. His face was merely inches away from her and YuXin was shocked stiff, she felt her heart was about to jump out from her mouth.

"Your eyes are still little red, but it should fine after awhile."

YuXin mumbled, "Mmn.."

Kun removed his hand from her chin and said, "I'll go change and help you."

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