Chapter 12- I'm Not Interested, But I Think I Like You (Last Chapter)

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'Futakuchi heard the whole thing?!'

'no he didn't'

You were sitting on your chair as you really tried your best to listen to your teacher's lesson but sadly, you can't because a pair of eyes were looking at you.

You tried to ignore it, but the more you ignore it, the more it gets worse.

It was Futakuchi, he was looking at you, smirking, the feeling that he felt after realizing his feelings towards you and after you said the word "I like Futakuchi" made him go crazy and just wanted to finish the last subject.

Mai was just there, thinking about what will happen after class.

"I think that's all for now, class dismissed, and Futakuchi-kun, L/n-san, you two are in charge of cleaning up the room today."

Your classmates went outside the classroom, leaving You, Futakuchi and Mai.

'eh??' was all your mind said while Mai was laughing.

"aaahhh Kami-sama must've planned this HAHAHAHAHA goodluck, I'm sorry my best friend but I need to manage my team, Futakuchi-kun, just go there later if you can.. Byebyeeee"

"M-mai!! Wait!!" you said.

'I can't take it! my heart won't stop beating so fast!'

You went to the small cabinet to get the broom and started cleaning.

'anytime now, he might come near me, oh please help me'

You just looked down so you won't see Futakuchi's flirty side.

But then, minutes of cleaning up, he pinned you on the wall.

'this is my end'

"soooo" Futakuchi said while caressing your face, lifting your chin up to look at him in the eyes.

You gulped, not going unnoticed by him.

"why are you so nervous? HAHAHAHAHA"

"I-I'm not"

"why are you stuttering?"

"I'M NOT!"

"hmm, if you say so, but hey L/n-san..."

"Do you really like me??"

"No! I'm not interested at all!"


"yeah really!"

"because me, I like you L/n-san"

"I like you since the day Mai told me about you"


"w-what do you mean?" you asked.

"what I mean is, I like you since first-year.."

"I don't understand.., I didn't remember you, I don't know if we met last year."

"for now, it's too long for me to tell you the whole story, maybe soon I'll tell you, but long story short, I like you"

'I never felt like this before...' you thought.

"So tell me honestly, do you really like me?"

"I'm not Interested but I think I like you.."

"care to explain to me what does it mean?" Futakuchi asked.

"Before I met you, I said that I'm no longer interested in dating a guy after what I experienced.. But it changed when I met you..."

"Mai was right after all, I should move on all over again, start again, what are you? A poison? Some drugs?, cause boy you made me go crazy when you do those things to me without warning me.."

Not Interested ♡ | Kenji F. ✓Where stories live. Discover now