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y/n @y/u/n 1s

my mans big q just made fun of me for waking up at 10am as if it isnt normal, to tell me to vote for him just so he can control everyone. 

i decided to do a stream today, so i opened up my streamlabs, and i started streaming. i joined the smp, just to interview a few people on the server about the upcoming election. there were quite a few people on the server today. 




Technoblade (pretend like hes always been here, and not just after the election) 



i went around finding everyone just to see their political side for this election. i went to tubbo, who was with tommy and wilbur in lmanburg. i joined their vc, and chat made a list of what to ask regarding of the election. 

"hey guys? i have a few questions about the upcoming election so if you would let me ask, that means you could get me to side with pog2020" 

"oh yeah ask away!" wilbur says excitedly 

"ok first question: what will pog2020 bring to us, as in EVERYONE on the server? not just the british people ehem"

"OH I GOT THIS! it will bring peace, we will all grow strong with bonds AND with supplies, and the world will stay organized" tommy says 

"ok well.. question 2 is: why should i vote for pog2020? like similar to last question, but why?"

"well since we are very nice people, we dont allow weapons or armor so everything and everyone is safe, and we keep lmanburg super clean."

"ok very well said tubbo. question 3: will you keep the lmanburg walls? support whether its a yes or no" 

"well yes, but maybe grow them. i think this so that we dont have the whole world under our rein, we have enough land to care for and tend to, and we dont have too much land that becomes out of control" wilbur says 

"okay thanks! cya!" 

we all say goodbyes, as i move on to find the next group of people. i found dream and karl at my library enchanting their armor. i knew they didnt really say what side they were on, especially dream.

"hey guys!" i say

they both jumped as if i was a ghost or something. i walk over to them and start asking the questions my chat brought up. 

"can i ask you a few questions?" i ask

"yeah of course you can y/n!" karl says while hes crouching 

i ask them a few questions, as i say my goodbyes like i did to tommy, tubbo, and wilbur. 

-time skip to after i asked everyone political questions- 

there was a huge blizzard coming, and karl planned on keeping me company in new york, but i declined since it would be costly and since he came only a few week ago. he insisted, but i knew staying by myself was the best idea. clearly he didnt listen, since i heard a knock at my apartment door. i opened the door to see karl with a handfull of flowers, and a bunch of food and water. 

"oh my god.. karl! i said i didnt need company.. did you pay for you're flight?" 

"no i drove here" karl said 

"karl oh my god- why would you ever do that?" 

"since i didnt want you to be lonely" 

"karl dude- thank u so much!"

i started streaming, and we decided to pull a quackity pizza cooking stream, so we made some pizza and streamed it. we had a bunch of fun, even though we are only friends. well maybe only just friends. we finished the pizzas, and had a dinner stream as well. eventually i ended the stream, we both said our goodbyes, and we watched the last few harry potter movies we didnt get to watch. 

we grabbed a blanket since the cold from the outside was slowly creeping through the thin apartment walls. a few snowflakes fell, which was very calming. i felt his hand intertwine with mine, as we watch the last harry potter movie. it was now 2 am, so we both passed out on the couch. we woke up, looked outside as if we were little kids after snow fell. 

there was a ton of snow falling, as snow filled into the streets. christmas was only in a week, so the city looked christmas-ified. streets were filled with red and green lights, townhouse doors had wreaths, and it was very festive. there was about a foot of snow already. we went to make breakfast. 

"whadda want for breakfast karl?"

"pancakes? ill make them" 

"oh yeah! thanks that would be great karl"

all of a sudden, theres a flash of light. its not a pleasant light. i felt a wave of heat, the smell of gas. 

a/n: thank u all 4 the reads! 

         word count: 807

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