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Emma flopped hopelessly on her couch completely exhausted after a full day filled with hacking a secret database in the top mafia for the police and the swat station so they could begin the arrest. Emma was no ordinary short eleven year old. She was filled with secrets and did many illegal things though they were always for the right reason, the police could back her up. That was not the only reason she was different, she also was always desperately alone, since the age of seven she was always alone. Emma lived alone, she worked alone, and even did school alone. Though there was really no need for school Emma was already a genius. She could figure out things that adults could't do. She lived on her own and had no friends if you don't count the grumpy police man that she talks to on text just to be annoying. She notices something about that man that she kinda likes. Though he could have easily deleted her contact and blocked her he didn't. Maybe it was his boss speaking up but she didn't think so because she texts him while on his own time, though she gets a grumpy response she always get's one within five minutes. Spam texting the police man was only one part of the down side of being a genius, well at least in Emma's case she lacked any decent social interaction. After Emma ran away from her unsupportive and abusive parents at age seven after signing a deal with the police as her hacker name shadow. They would pay her per month for Emma not to give information to any other source and just to work with the police. Emma liked this deal especially since they still payed her for each job that she does. It just prevents her from going to another source and feeding them information. Not that any of the other sources mattered when she did them they still payed lower than the police ever did. Right now Emma was in-between a rock and a hard place. The police needed a hard drive and they asked that she delivered it personally considering the importance of the hard drive. But Emma was still only eleven and very small at that. They could figure out her age and possibly her identity which was worse considering they have strict policies about underage labor and to find out the hacker that they had been pressuring for four years was a child they would probably be angry and take her into custody. Emma was stressing the idea about the meeting tomorrow fiddling with the small hard drive when she heard a small beep come from her phone. She took her phone out to see something rather surprising. A notification popped up that was labeled THE INSOMNIA POLICE OFFICER. Emma smirked as she looked at the test.

THE INSOMNIA POLICE OFFICER: Are you okay? I know this is the first time that we meet in person but we really need that hard drive.

Shadow: *Sigh* I know I'm just really nervous but I'm very glad you texted THE INSOMNIA POLICE OFFICER.

THE INSOMNIA POLICE OFFICER: Did you just sigh over text???? And is that my name?????

Shadow: I so just did and yes it is!

THE INSOMNIA POLICE OFFICER: You know the police wants you to join their hacker forces and you know lead them. I really think that you should consider it the people here are really nice.

Emma contemplated before typing back. She knew that they wanted to know who she was but the fact that she was a minor that it would be difficult for them to even let her go. But she also knew that after three years of being always alone she wanted to talk to someone. She knew that it was pathetic that her only contact that she had on her phone was the police officer but she also wanted freedom. Parents always put them on a leash and never let go unless you broke free.

Shadow: I can't... I just can't.. I'll stay doing this job it's better that way, honestly I'm not at all comfortable with this exchange but I know that this mafia is going to kill a lot of people if I don't

THE INSOMNIA POLICE OFFICER: I know but just be careful we are all worried about you know you being safe because you're also a citizen and your life matters as much as everyone else's does just know that.

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