Not very Happy Birthday

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 Mia was getting better her attitude was getting better she was less aggressive to new people and doesn't try and attack people when mad. Over all in the past year Mia got better tremendously. Mia was turning twelve today. For any normal child there would be a big party and happy smiles. But last year Mia had a particularly bad birthday. Ever since the day Mia was born she was raised to have no feelings just be strong and kill, but most importantly follow their employers direction. When she was ten she found two friends who taught her about things that her parents kept from her like gender and emotions. When her parents found her having more opinions they were beyond angry and wanted to know why. So one day when she snuck out they day of her eleventh birthday they followed her. Her friends had set up a little party with cupcakes and balloons. Her father was the first to act. He grabbed the children leaving his daughter to her mother. The kids in his hands were crying and looking at their friend who was fighting a loosing battle against her mother. That made her father mad he didn't know why but he was beyond angry. He snapped the necks of the girls in his arms not getting a drop of blood on him he made his way over to his daughter who was currently unconscious on the ground. He picked the girl up bringing her to the basement and throwing her to the ground he locked the door on his way out. But when the mothers of the two dead girls saw their children they knew what happened an went to the police where they went and investigated finding that this was true they sent two x mercenaries Natasha and Ashley who captured Mia's parents and adopted their daughter. But the past didn't solve their current dilemma, loud sniffling could be heard from Mia's room. Ashley listened to her daughter through the door mourn for her friends until she couldn't anymore. Ashley knew that their daughter needed love and if nobody else was going to give it to her Ashley and Natasha would, even if Ashley had to drag Natasha there she would. Ashley marched up to her wife who was curled up on the couch pouting.

"We are going to congratulate our daughter for turning twelve cause she needs love now and we are going to give it to her." Ashley said stubbornly already pulling her wife up.

"I Agree she needs motherly love and snuggles go in there I am getting hot chocolate and the chocolate truffles she likes." Ashley smiled at her wife words happy with her proposal she started walking to her daughters room. Loud sobbing noises came from the room as Ashley knocked on the door. A small sob covered entry approval but Ashley got the gist and opened the door the sight before her broke her heart. Mia was laying in her bed holding a picture of her friends sobbing curled up under a blanket practically begging for human interaction.

"I know sweetie cry it out it's fine I am here. Do you want to talk about it?" Mia looked up at her mother with puffy eyes and suddenly pulled her into a tight hug . The mother returned the hug feeling her shirt getting wet from the young girls tears. At that moment Natasha came in with the hot chocolate and truffles smiling.

"happy birthday my child." Natasha whispered softly in the young girls ear now laying next to them. Ashley got off the bed and grabbed the tray smiling softly at her loved ones.

"This looks like a in bed Netflix kind of day. Do we agree?" The two nodded eagerly as Mia stopped crying looking up at her parents content on the turn of her day gripped her picture as she choose what Netflix show they would binge on this fine Saturday

I'll post again tomorrow see ya!

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