Married Life

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Sebastian's POV
I stood behind the doors of the chapel while fidgeting nervously.
My mom placed her hand on my shoulder and smiled.
"You don't have to do this, sweetheart."
"I-I'm fine, mom" I stuttered; "Plus I've been waiting for this day to come."
"Oh if only your father were here to see you get married."
I straightened the tie on my white suit and nodded.
"I wish he was here, I sure do miss him."
"I do too."
Suddenly the song Pachelbel's canon started playing.
It was time to walk down the aisle and get married to the man I have been waiting to marry for the last two years.
Me and mom hooked arms and started walking down the aisle.
There, standing at the alter was William.
He was so handsome.
He was wearing a black suit and his dark brown hair was combed back.
As soon as me and my mom got down to the end of the aisle, the music stopped playing and I let go of her arm so I could hold hands with William.
An hour passed and me and William said our vows, then done the rings.
"With this ring, I be wed" William said slipping a diamond ring onto my ring finger.
"With this ring, I be wed" I said slipping a golden band onto his ring finger.
Last it was time to seal our marriage with a kiss.
"I pronounce you two to be happily married, you may seal your marriage with a kiss" the priest announced.
William put his arms around me and pulled me close and kissed me.
I put my arms around his neck and kissed him back.
Everyone in the chapel applauded us.
  I pulled away and smiled at William, staring lovingly into his green eyes.
I get to enjoy the married life with the man I love.

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