Chapter 1 - Just a dream..

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Third Person POV

Villains could be heard entering the school campus.
The alarms went off everyone had fallen into a panic...
The teachers and the students were running outside in attempt to protect the students from villains.
About half of the students had been able to escape to safety with some of the teachers while the other half encountered villains before they could be with the others. Part of the half that didn't escape was...
Of course 1-A

Villains blocked them away from the exit. "GET BACK" the teachers screamed to the students. The villains weren't attacking though just standing throughout the campus. The bright sky and sun shining definitely didn't match the current situation. The sunny days would usually mean happiness but after today, everyone here would be reminded of danger whilst looking at the sky. *CRASH* Everyone shot their heads towards the building. A huge nomu completely destroyed a building. The teachers were now panicking, having no idea what to do. They split up, two teachers staying with the students protecting them from the villains. There were also some heading towards the nomus, some were running all throughout the campus to protect other areas, and of course, there were the teachers with the students who evacuated.

It didn't take long until some of the students started running off on their own to help the teachers fight the villains. Midoriya, Todoroki, Kirishima, and Bakugo were of course, the first people to run into the danger and it wasn't long before the other students ran into danger as well. They all started attacking the villains and some went straight for the nomu. Class 1-A was once again, facing the dangerous events that even pro heroes have problems with. Midoriya and Todoroki were trying to attack the huge, advanced nomu while the others were trying to defeat the overpowered villains. Bakugo was really wanted to be apart of defeating the nomu bit Kirishima kept holding him back and making him fight the villains with him. "It's really not the time to keep me from attacking you idiot!" He roared. "Midoriya and Todoroki should be able to take care of it until we're done with this guy." He said as he continued to harden and attack.

1 hour later

The attack hasn't ended yet. Bakugo and Kirishima had moved on from the villain and were helping Deku and Todoroki defeat the nomu who still looked barely damaged. Mina and Kaminari were standing together in the middle of this battlefield. They had no idea where they should go or what they should do to help. Kaminari scanned the destroyed campus and that's when he saw someone.. Kirishima wasn't paying attention but that nomu was about to hit him awfully hard. "KIRISHIMA" he screamed as he sprinted towards his friend in danger. Kirishima quickly shot his head up but didn't have any time to move. Luckily just in time, Kaminari shot himself forward, pushing Kirishima out of the way but taking an effective hit to head himself and getting slammed into a wall. Just before the nomu let go of him though, he was able to get about a million volts discharged at the nomu which actually helped a lot.

Kaminari's POV

After getting hit, everything went black. All I could sense was the sound of someone screaming out my name repeatedly. It was Kirishima... I shot my eyes open to only realize that I was seated at my desk. The whole class was staring at me and I could feel the water in my eyes dripping... Wait that means though... Of course, it was just a dream. Everything's fine.
"Man are you okay?.. You keep passing and you look terrible..." Kirishima asked. "Yeah I'm fine, don't worry!" I replied putting a small smile on my face.
"...Ever since the attack you just- ..." He started to say but trailed off. So I guess it wasn't a dream then. The school really was attacked and I really saved Kirishima. "What?" I ask back. "Nothing!" I just nod and then glance at Aizawa who was just staring at me silently. He would usually scold me for falling asleep in class but I could tell that he was thinking about the attack that happened.
"Sorry Aizawa you can finish the lesson now..." I say quietly, slightly embarrassed that everyone saw me like that. He nods and continues the lesson. I finally remember a bit of what was going on. Since the attack on UA a month ago, I've been just randomly passing out and waking up from these random dreams that were usually just flashbacks.

I grab out a piece of paper from my bag and start to doodle on it. Not anything in particular, just anything that's on my mind, I draw. I continue until I hear the bell ring. "And that's it for the day. Class dismissed." Aizawa says. Thank god. I can finally go back to the dorms and relax.

Authors note:
Thank you so much for clicking on this story to read! I'm excited to work on this story since it's my very first time writing one!

Im planning on updating once a week unless something comes up but if not then yeah. I want to make sure I have a regular day ppl can expect for a new chapter that isn't too long but isn't so quick so I can leave y'all on cliffhangers 😎
(Also so that if something comes up I can have chapters that are already made so I don't miss a week :))

Anyways I hope you enjoy it so far and read the next chapter! :)

Oh also I'm planning on making each chapter have around the same amount of words (700-1000)

Anyways have a good day/night everyone!
As I keep writing feel free to comment some suggestions or ideas for this story!

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