college lovers

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Aye I'm back

Request given by CinnamonAngstRoll thanks once again for requesting! It is very much appreciated

I'm basing the college off my town cause why not?

Triggers: homophobia censored slurs (f slur) hints at logan having a bad mom and patton bad siblings slight teasing/bullying

Patton knocked on the door if his roommate was already there he didn't want to disturb them

A boy about Patton's age opened the door "Salutations" he said and patton internally sucked in a breath at the coldness in his voice

He was dressed in professional clothes down to the tie which was unusual for someone in their early mid twenties

Patton smiled "hi! I hope I'm not disturbing anything" he stepped in as the other closed the door

"Thats quite alright i assure you i wasn't doing anything exciting, and your name is?"

"Oh sorry! Patton Miller" he shook the other boys hand

"Logan smith" he responded patton was known for studying people on accident and noticed that logan dressed very professionally down to the tie and his hair sleeked back as if he spent time on it though he also didn't seem the type to do that

"Uh can i help you?" Patton realized he had been staring and laughed a little

"No sorry i tend to stare" he laughed nervously "so uh have you claimed a room yet?"

Logan shook his head "take your pick" he sat on the couch

Patton nodded and took the smaller room his only had a bavkpack and two small suitcases so he didn't need that much room

He hung up a pride flag above his bed which he then flopped down on

Patton was homoromantic or gay and asexual (I REALLY HOPE I'M RIGHT HERE) now he knew that this college was super homophobic but it was the only one he could get into and afford

He fell asleep sure he was worried one his roommate would hate him as well as the school and well school was scary and if teachers didn't at least treat him as an equal...

He yawned yeah thinking about that would not help so patton just changed into is cat pjs and fell asleep

Logan was about to gobto bed but noticed pattons door open

He went to close it for him and noticed a flag he recognized

He cracked a rare smiled and closed the door headimg back to his own room to sleep

That was one small worry off his shoulder. Accepted by his roommate

Timeskip brought go you by homophobic bitchs-

It had been a week since school started. Patton and logan had decided to come out to each other which went pretty well (logan coming out as bi)

Patton had thought that things would be ok but was sadly very wrong he had been shoved against locked and teased despite his bubbly energy and kind personality to literally everyone

Logans situation wasn't much different he had to fix his glasses within the first week (which he'd gotten pretty good at) and stayed pretty reserved never really used go the emotions he still felt (sadly)

Teachers and professors weren't always there to see what went down and yeah they were twenty and nineteen but bullying didn't seem to really stop

But the main thing everyone noticed except logan and patton was the apparent chemistry happening between them

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