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You guys are not ready

Request given by enbrilliant1 BLAME THEM NOT ME (I'm kidding their a great person) ANYWAY

Trigger warnings suicide, self harm, crying, slightly Unsympathetic roman

Logan angst

Good luck my dudes

The night started light hearted they were all watching the new frozen movie and laughing and critiquing

And then roman went to far

Not on purpose he isn't a monster but logan had been not ok for months and well

"Shouldn't elsa feel at least some kind of emotional drive to not leave anna?" Logan asked

"Well what do you know about emotions? I mean isn't logic supposed to be somewhat robotic" roman commented

Logan didn't say or do anything or at least he thought he didn't do anything till everyone was staring at him roman looked like he'd regretted every damn sentence and he finally realized why when he touched his cheek

Logan was crying or at least shedding a tear

Guess this is the last straw

He sunk out before they asked questions

He appeared in his room going over to his desk on top of lay a small pocket blade

He pulled up his sleeve ignoring the searing pain shooting up his arm as he carved the last words into his arms

He sunk into the bathroom as blood flowed from the scars


Emotionally incapable

Just logic

He wrote notes to all the other in retrospect he should've done this before carving the words into his arms but guess thats just another mistake he's made

He wrote a specific one to roman and left the notes on the counter before slitting his wrists and falling  onto the floor with a thud blood everywhere glasses broken

Life gone

The other three heard the thud and sunk outside the bathroom

"Logan!" Roman called "logan please i am so sorry! Logan answer me please"

"R roman" virgil whispered and pointed to the door. Blood splashed slightly under

Roman gave up calling and broke the door down immediately screaming

The darksides sunk in along with thomas

Patton was crying into virgils shoulder who was hlding back his own tears

Janus walked into the bathroom "g guys there's suicide notes"

Everything seemed to stop and they all scrambled for there own note

"Roman stared at his note in silence "he...loved me?" He whispered

"What?!" Remus grabbed his note "the hell is wrong with you roman?! Look at his arms?

"Good god remus i know!" Roman screamed tears flowing down his cheeks "i loved him too and now he's gone and its all my damn fault"

Roman broke down and remus regretted yelling. He sat next to roman who cried into his shoulder

This night started fun and wholesome

And ended in pure catastrophe



And death

Holy shit this was angsty

I think there's fluff next but i forget XD

Sorry this was so short hope you enjoyed it!

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