heather part two

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Ok so i realized that we hit over 500 reads and holy shit thank you! This means so much to me that people like these oneshots so thank you!

Ok so request given by -YourLocalSoftie- and they made a oneshot and this is kind of like part two from pattons perspective so go read that one first please and thank you!

Your back? Great! Lets start

Triggers: yelling slight hitting being controlling blackmailing etc

Great now lets start

Patton had tried he really had to like emile and put...certain things aside but if he was gonna make things difficult for all three of them then thats what he'd have to do

See patton had some knowledge on a lot of people specifically logan who he definitely had a crush on and emile both if which was useful for many reasons

This was all realized weeks ago patton was currently sitting in his room attempting to block out his parents screams and hits as his older sister get hit and yelled at and the shreaks of a 17 year old girl as well as 37 year olds doing the same thing

He then decided he could do exactly what his mom had done years ago


At school cause transitions sake

Logan watched as patton skipped over to him holding a small note ...in the shape of a heart

Oh no

"Hey logie! I have a question for you" patton said almost overly sweet like honey seemed to coat his sentences

"Salutations patton what his your question?" He disguised his uncomfort at the nickname

Patton handed him the note skipping off again

Logan sighed reading the note the first part was somewhat normal just asking to be his boyfriend which logan would've said no to but-

"You wouldn't want them knowing...would you?"

He froze his parents didn't know he was gay his religious conservative homophobic parents

he couldn't do anything could he? If he dated patton his mental health decreased by a lot if he didn't he was homeless

...guess he really didn't have a choice

Patton walked away cackling slightly he was finally in control of something

Even though it wasn't much

He then stopped a little ways away he noticed emile his day just keot getting better huh?

"Hey picani" he stopped near emile who's entire mood seems to drop

"Patton what do you want" he growled

"Well i wanted to let you know. Logan has chosen to date me!"

Emile stared at him "no he didn't. Patton you should know those kinda of commitments scare him!"

"Well i didn't exactly give me a choice" patton smirked watching the look on emiles face turn from annoyed to slightly horrified

"Patton. Did you Blackmail a date before even dating him?" Emile seemed to be attempting patience he never had

Patton smirked deciding to just skip away leaving emile appalled

He made it to the washroom where he dropped the act of confident manipulative asshole

"Get it together patton smile and head into a stale ok" he went to the nearest stall muttering to himself

He locked the door sinking down against it

He felt defeated lost alone. He hated it he hated what he'd just done but what else was he gonna do? He didn't know what else to do

He sat in the stale for about 5 minutes before he decided to just go to class

After class aka prison

Patton skipped down the hall and noticed emile talking to logan

God here we go

"Hey logie!" Patton beamed stopping next to them

Emile gave logan a look of we'll talk later and walked off

"Salutations patton" logan sighed gathering the rest of his books from his locker

"Hey! Do you wanna maybe hang-"

"No i don't patton" logan cut him off "i don't care what you do tell my parents for all i care i viewed you as a friend. Now I'm not sure i can see you even in that light"

Patton was shocked but didn't say anything or show it he deserved this and was still upset?

Logan walked away and patton just watched him walk away

Patton went home he was alone truly alone he deserved this he knew that much. He also wasn't gonna say anything to logans parents he never was but it almost worked

He slammed the door as he walked in ignoring his mom screeching at the dent in the wall and went to his room

He threw his bag against the wall you idiot! He thought to himself sitting on the bed er tiny mattress

He heard a knock and his sisters voice rung through "pat? You ok?"

"I'm fine thanks" he muttered

"Ok what happened at school 1hen? That made you throw the back pack against the wall i have a girl on call."

Patton smiled slightly his sister had a girlfriend which was probably why their parents hated her more

"Ok. I may have a lot of explaining to do." He said

"Well I've got ten minutes before dad comes home so shoot" his sister stayed behind the door which patton appreciated

He explained how he threatened emile then not a week later blackmailed his now ex friend and crush how he thought thats how you do it

"Oh patton" raina sighed "yes that is how mom did it. But look at them now they are miserable with two kids who hate them. If you want someone to like you you need to be kind you need to actually win them over you can't buy love like that"

"A and about logan?"

"I hate to say it pat but you've lost him but he didn't seem to like you in the first place. I'd wait your 14 you're going to find someone" she assured him standing up as the front door slammed again "now I'm going downstairs I'll check on you later"

Patton nodded and raina took the silence as a signal he agreed or at least didn't object

Patton sat back leaning against the back board

At least he knew what to do now

This was fun! Why do i put these things off?

Aaaaaaaaaaaaanyway i hope this was good i have a few more requests and prompts so look out for that

Also yes this wasn't as angsty buuuut the next one will be promise (sorry to the person i told was angsty T^T)

Aight see ya!

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