So I guess I got tagged? XD

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 Alright folks, I got tagged. SEND. FUCKING. HELP!

1: Well, I like multiple, but the one I like the most is a kid in SAILS (or Special Needs, for those who don't know).

2: Probably. I haven't seen him in a while.

3: Marie (pronounced Ma-ree)

4: I'm single IRL, but I have many robo-husbands/wives/etc. in the screen ;=;

5: I don't have a phone, so I don't text, but the last person I messaged was a user by the name staymagical123.

6: Nightcore cover of the song "Hoodie" by Hey Violet.

7: 100% (I use a laptop and keep it plugged in whenever possible).

8: Kami (pronounced Kae-mee)

9: Jackson Williams (he's not my crush-well, he is, but not my major one).

10: OH BOY LIST TIME FOLKS!!! MOSTLY because I CAN'T decide which is my fave.

 TFP: Ratchet x Wheeljack, Ratchet x Optimus, Ratchet x June (ONLY when Ratchet's in his holo-form), Arcee x Somkescreen, Arceex Bumblebee, Bumblebee x Smokescreen, Knockout x Smokescreen, Smokescreen x Knockout, Bumblebee x Knockout x Smokescreen, Optimus x Ultra Magnus (sir you're looking.....ROBUST), Megatron x Starscream (depending on the quality of the writing), ofc Knockout x Breakdown, Soundwave x Shockwave.

 TF RID 2015: Bumblebee x Grimlock, Sideswipe x Windblade, Sideswipe x Strongarm, Sideswipe x Jazz, Drift x Fracture (hehe unpopular opinion), Jetstorm x Slipstream, Airazor x Divebomb (another unpopular opinion I think), Thunderhoof x Steeljaw, Steeljaw x Bumblebee (IDK if this is an unpopular opinion or not tbh)

 TFA: Blitzwing x Bumblebee, Blurr x Soundwave/Longarm, Jazz x Prowl, Bumblebee x Blurr, Slipstream x Arcee (Unpopular opinion...?)

 MTMTE: Rodimus x Ultra Magnus, Rung x Rodimus, Drift x Ratchet (ofc), Drift x Perceptor

11: 2 reasons: 1 was so my dirty-ass mind could comment on the quality lemons and shit I read on a daily basis, and 2 was so I can write my own stories (originaly I was only going to do AWOF, or A War Of Fantasies, buuuuut then I got an idea to start THIS book aaaaaannnnnd, well, this happened).

12: I know this says "Lock Screen", but I also want to show ya'll my background for my main screen (I don't technology terms):

12: I know this says "Lock Screen", but I also want to show ya'll my background for my main screen (I don't technology terms):

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Lock Screen


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13: My Birthday is 05/01/1999

14: Anybody below here is tagged.

AlbinoAang XDragonFireX65 XxNovemberFlowerxX ShadowzoneBloodstone virusmoonshrine 

pikachukite staymagical123 SamSam1609owo Sin__of_lust DivergentTheSeeker 

Notyourmoms TheCreator900 DaughterofHalt Autobot_Lawbreaker lightnightfury01

nightwingandstarlink Moon_Prime Commentsbybluefire NewDragonrider SkilfulClient64014

SHIT THAT WAS A LOT! I'm sorry for not posting anything for a while, if you've read the last chapter, you'll know why. For now, I'll post random pictures I have stored on my device (and I'll pray it doesn't get flagged because the guidelines aren't completely clear for me, but whatever).


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