What He's Like Drunk

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Harry : After a few too many Harry gets really cocky but not in a mean way in a funny way. He keeps trying to say " I am the chosen one" but come out with " I have chosen one"

Ron : When Ron's drunk he eats loads of crisps ( chips for our American friends)

Draco: Draco gets sweet and soft after a few glasses and likes to show alot of affection towards you but stops when you say its too much.

Fred : Fred starts saying awful pick up lines to you and starts complimenting every part of you and tries picking you up the whole time.

George : George gets really giggly when drunk and finds absolutely everything funny. Once he started laughing at percys eyebrows because he said they looked like feathers stuck to his face.

Oliver : Oliver starts to talk nonsense when drunk and can barley form a sentence and usually says child like sentences such as. " too much drunk"  " no no drink"

Cedric : Cedric like George gets really giggly and finds everything funny but also decides he wants to run the length of a quidditch pitch at 4 am.

Neville : Neville doesn't drink much but when he does he gets really clumsy and often fall over his own feet and needs someone to support him to get to bed.

Seamus : Seamus gets really loud when he's drunk and won't be quiet, he usually shouts to people 2 feet away from him and then when he gets to bed he continues shouting but singing " I love rock and roll"

Dean: Dean gets shy when drunk and blushes really easily and tends not to drink much, his cheeks glow red all night when he does.

In this the guys are of age to drink as it is illegal to drink underage.

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