Chapter 2: Know Your Limits

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Author's Note- There are mentions of drunkness and domestic abuse in this chapter.

"Well, that was one hell of a case."

You turn in your seat and smirk at Emily. "I'll say. I didn't know what hit me."

She grins. "Oh, that was me, ya know, tackling the unsub and saving your ass."

You fan yourself dramatically. "My hero."

"We're lucky you weren't shot or seriously injured." Hotch chimes in from his seat beside you.

"Eh, what can I say? Some people have all the luck." You throw Emily a wink. "And in my defense, we never profiled that it was a team." You gesture towards Hotch and Rossi. "You two must be getting rusty."

"Rusty?" Rossi pipes up. "Rusty? This is a team effort. Why didn't you profile that there was more than one killer?"

"I was too busy being tackled to the floor." You retort.

Everyone laughs, and Rossi pats your knee. "You handled it well."

The conversation dies down as everyone starts getting situated to catch a quick nap before the jet arrives back in Quantico.

You toss and turn in your seat for a while, unable to get comfortable.

"Y/N, are you alright?" Hotch asks softly, keeping his voice low to avoid waking the others.

"Just restless."

He lays a hand on your arm comfortingly and you wince.

"Are you hurt?" He pushes up your sleeve before you can respond, exposing large bruises on your arm. His brow furrows. "Did this happen when you were tackled? They look old."

You snatch your sleeve back down. "They are old."

His gaze bores holes into you. "Did your dom do this?"

You quickly glance around to make sure everyone else is still sleeping. "Keep your voice down."

"Answer me."

"Yes. It was an accident."

He slides your sleeve up once more, turning your arm to expect it further. "Is this a rope burn?"

You nod, squirming under his scrutiny. "Yeah. It doesn't hurt."

"It looks painful." He pushes your sleeve up to your shoulder, his fingertips lightly tracing your marred skin.

"Y/N. What happened?"

The warmth and concern in his tone do their part to soothe your nerves. "You're a dom, you know."

"No. I've never hurt someone this badly." He shakes his head and pushes up your other sleeve. "Oh, Y/N."

"It was my fault. I don't like ropes. I kept tugging against them."

"Why not make them a hard limit, then?"

You shake your head. "Eric and I don't have limits."

His gaze snaps up to yours, looking incredulous. "What do you mean, you have no limits? Surely there are things you refuse to do."

"He says in a true dom/sub relationship, there is complete trust and no need for limits."

"Y/N, everyone has limits. I don't presume to know what's going on in your personal life, but it sounds like he's using that as an excuse to force you to do things you don't want to do."

"No, it's not like that at all." You protest. "He just wants me to be open to things I normally wouldn't try."

"A little experimentation I can understand, but if you've tried it and don't like it then I don't see a reason in doing it again."

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