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*1st person. You're a roadie for PTV and you're good friends with all the guys, but Vic always makes your stomach flutter.*
Words: 1307

Warped tour was now and always had been a mixture of my favorite and most hated festival. Constant boiling hot weather and lugging around equipment for serveral hours under the sun, surrounded by people who could do what they want and were having fun while I worked. On the other hand it was amazing to see how happy playing Warped made the boys and the atmosphere was always really nice. A smile tugged at the corner of my lips when I thought of the boys on stage. Seeig them have the time of their lives was completely worth the hard work and sweat, and hanging with them after wasn't too bad either.
A sudden tap on the shoulder started me out of my daydreams. Colt, Jaime's guitar tech was stood behind me, laughing at the surprised expresion that was no doubt on my face.
"Dammit Colt." I slapped his arm with the piece of cable i had wound between my hands. "What?"
"Nothing, just wanted to know if you're done. The guys need us backstage." He pulled the cable from my grip, laying it against the side of the app and pucking the tape from the floor to hold it in place. I raised my eyebrows at him.
"Yeah I am now." Following him though a maze of equiptment, sercurity and roadies, Colt lead me to a off backstage and down to the PTV tent and trailer. There was more equipment here, as well as fans milling around in the heat. By a table with boxes stacked high sat together. "Colt this isn't backstage."
"It sort of is." He shrugged and waved towards Mike, the only person looking in our direction, before looping his arm though mine and skipping me across the grass. "Everything's ready guys. What did you need us for?" Colt directed the question towards Vic but he seemed not to hear him, his attention on something else. My eyes followed his to seeing that he was looking at mine and Colt's arms linked together, a slight frown on his face.
"Vic? Vic?" Jaime tried to get his attention a couple of times before giving up. "I dont have clue what he wanted" Jaime snapped his fingers in front of Vics face. Vic blinked and glared at him.
"What?" He snapped. I stepped in quickly, hurridly unlinking myself from Colt and stepping closer to to Vic.
"You asked us here? Everything is set up. What did you need?"
"Nothing anymore." Vic forced a smile and looped his guitar over his head as someone called 'Three minutes' from the stage. "Ready guys?" He turned to the rest of the band, a legitamate smile on his face as he watched Miike collect his drum sticks and Tony find his pick. His smile was infectious.
"Group hug?" I asked, Jaime grinning as he bear hugged me, dragging Mike and Colt in too. Vic and Tony joining in. My nose pressed almost flat into Jaime's chest when I spoke. "Go break a leg guys! Have fun." My voice only came as a mumble but from the way that Jaime ruffled my hair told me that he'd heard. The guys stepped back, smiles on all there faces.
'Sixtey seconds' I laughed as a look of attention snapped across Tony's face, slapping him on the shoulder gently as he headed towards the stage. "Go knock them dead."


The boys had been amazing, as always. Me and Colt had sat side stage and sang along with every song before helping the guys with their stuff and the roadies for the next band proforming get started. Now the sky was dark and all the stages were empty, the only people around were crew and band members who hadn't settled for the night yet. I had wondered away from the PTV bus while the dark was still warm and now was regreting that I hadn't picked up a jacket. I shivered as I walked, humming songs from Slipknots set that i'd heard while working. I didn't notice that I wasn't walking alone anymore until someone started humming along with me. Stopping dead in place I turned to stare at Vic who had appeared next to me.
"When did you get here?" I gapped at him while he laughed, setting off butterflies in my stomach.
"Not long." His face straightened up. "I saw you leave but I wanted to talk to you. When I had grabbed my jacket you were gone. Its taken me this long to catch up." He chuckled slightly before looking serious again. It worried me slighty and i grabbed his hand impulsivly. Regreting the action until Vic went from looking surprised to smiling soppily and wrapping his fingers round mine. He lifted up our connected hands and studdied them for a second. "This is what I wanted to talk about."
"What?" I looked at our hands, now back at our sides.
"Well, not this exactly." He looked at me for a long second, making my heart stutter and a blush run into my cheeks. Luckily it was dark so it wouldn't be as obvious as usual. "Y/n, your brilliant at what you do, and i've known you for a really long time, so i've had plenty of time to realize that your an amazing, kind, honest, caring and reliable person. Y/n you're a keeper and hate myself for not seeing it sooner." He was talking fast and looking nervous. The blush on my face had deepened and now I had more snakes than butterflies. I sensed a massive 'but' coming on the end of his speech though.
"Vic. Whats going on? What are you talking about?"
"Y/n, i'm talking about you. I'm talking about how perfect you are, and I realize that not only is this really corny and a shock but its probably far too late too because you and Colt are together. It shouldn't surprise me but-"
"Wait, what are you going on about? Me and Colt aren't together."
"You're not?" He sounded hopeful.
"No. Colt's like my brother. Of course we're not toget- wait. Why does it even matter?"
"I matters because I thought I was too late but i'm not." His whole mannor had changed. Now he looked excited and like he had everything in front of him. "Y/n let me take you out?"
"What?" I laughed. "Now?"
"Why not? We can go anywhere, just me and you." He looked like a puppy as he waited for my answer but I didnt know what to say. Vic was asking me out on date? "Please?"
"Vic, I dont know. This is." I cut myself off. Why was i hesitating about this? Vic was asking me out. Vic Fuentes who i had liked since the first day on the job. Vic Fuentes who made my heart flutter. I looked at his hopeful face and then at our linked hands before making up my mind. "I'll need a jaccket before we go anywhere." I said as his face lit up. A massive grin on his face, he shrugged off his own jacket and held it out to me before taking my hand again.
"Yes!" He did a little happy dance, spining me around before wrapping his strong arms around me. At first I tensed but I quickly relaxed agaoinst him, wraping my arms round his neck. He smiled down at me. "Come on then. You want pizza or tacos?"
"You have to ask?" I laughed.
"Tacos it is then." And with that he kissed my cheek, stepped back adn pulled me away into the dark.

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