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*First person, you and your boyfriend Vic are going out for your two anniversary*  
Words: 863

I groaned at my reflection. Ten minutes and Vic would be here to pick me up, but no doubt I still wouldn't be ready. I swiped a hair grip from the vanity table and slid it into my fringe. Looking anxiously at the clock I pulled the figure hugging, burgendy dress onto my body, rapidly zipping it up and then clapsing the locket Vic had given me for my birthday around my throat. Throwing mascarra and lipstick into my purse I rushed out the door and down the stairs of my flat, my heels clicking on the concrete. Almost at the bottom of the stairs I came to a complete hault and smacked my palm to my forehead. I'd left my phone on the vanity. With a sigh I span round and headed back up. I'd walked through the door, looping it shut with my foot and grabbing my phone as it buzzed. Unlocking it swiftly I read the message that had arrived.
Down stairs babe. You ready? Xx

A smile tugged at my lips. 
On my way :* 

I let the door slam behind me and rushed down the stairs, only pausing to scan the parking lot for Vic. He was leaned against the hood of his car. His face lit up when he saw me. Crossing the space I went eagerly to his arms, tucking my head into his shoulder and breathing in his scent of soap and mild spices.He kissed my hair before leaning back.

"You look great." His eyes glowed as he spoke making me giggle.

"Thank you." I tapped his face lighly "Snazzy suit." He wore a white shirt, black suit jacket and thin tie with really skinny jeans that I now slid my hands into the back pockets of. "So where we headed tonight?"

"You'll see." He said, smiling when I pouted at him. He tapped the end of my nose with his forefinger. "Patience." Stepping back he opened the car door for me before striding round to his side and sliding into his seat. The drive was short and spent in comfortable silence before we pulled up outside a fancy looking resturant. I got out the car slowly and patted my dress self consciencly, feeling almost underdressed for such a grand place. Vic offered me his arm as he reached me. "Darling." He smiled abd lead my through the glass doors where an attendant stood waiting. "I reserved a table for two. The name Fuentes." At his words the attendant scanned his pages looking confused. Vic rolled his eyes. "Spelt F, U, E, N-"
"Ah, I have it." The man smoothed his suit jacket down and gestured to the second set of glass doors. "Right this way." He lead up through the doors and weaved though red ropes tables and candel displays to a small table by a wall window. "Your waiter will be here presently. Here are your menus." He laid two thick, leather bound booklets on the table before inclining his head slightly and backing away.
"Jesus Vic." I slipped my fingers over his own. "How much is this costing you?"
"Enough." He said matter of factly. "Now, what are you having?" I scanned the thick menu as our waiter appeared at my elbow.
"Welcome to the White Delilah Restaurant. What can I get you two?"
Vic wrapped his jacket round my shoulders as the cold air made me shiver. I smiled up at him and leaned against his shoulder.
"Dinner was great." I told him as he slipped his arm round me and guided me up the stairs of my apartment and to the front door.  Making our way to the sofa we collapsed down together, Vic pulling me into his lap and burying his nose in my (y/h/c) hair. I pulled his arms tighter round me and twisted slightly to lay a kiss on his cheek. He smiled and reached into the pocket of the jacket he'd let me wear. He pulled out a small box and pressed it into my palms.
"I got you this."
"What, on top of dinner?"
"Yes." He spoke like it was the most simple, obvious thing ever. I opened the box, moved aside the blue tissue paper that filled it and gasped. Nestled within the paper was simple good band set with three tiny pearls.
"Vic this is beautiful."
He smiled against my skin.
"I'm not doing this very traditionally, but y/n, marry me please?" He asked softly and I felt myself well up. I turned over quickly and buried my face in his chest.
"Yes, yes, yes. Of course. Yes Vic, I love you!" I left tear marks on his top as I leaned back. Vic's face broke out into the most radiant smile I had ever seen. He presse his forehead against my own and cupped my face.
"I love you too." He murmured, taking my hand and slipping the the ring onto my finger. "Happy anniversary darling."

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