Each Lost Conversation

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Chapter Seven- Each Lost Conversation

Jett stood in front of the abandoned cafe where Brooke was taken only a couple days prior. Slight trembles ran down his arm at the windy chill that the North Carolina land brought. A light snowfall was occurring the second he stepped out of the rusty door of his father's car and a gusty wind accompanied it.

The other vehicle stood only a couple feet away. The light red paint coating was slowly fading and the exterior was rusting. Jett almost scoffed at Adam's fake truck. He didn't but walked inside instead. His ears and nose were turning red from the frosty chill.

His mother had always told him he had the cutest face when he got cold. The flush in his cheeks made him seem adorable in his mother's eyes. If only she knew him now.

I'll have to call her soon. Ask her how she is, Jett pondered, shrugging. His foot snapped on a broken piece of wood.

"Over here," a voice commanded, his shadow hardly seen through Jett's eyes. It was turning dark outside and the natural light from the windows had disappeared when the snow flurries came. Any lights that might have brightened the whole cafe are now shattered, covering the tiled floor.

Jett took the only seat in front of Adam. With his clasped hands and strict face, Adam had the proper business man look mastered. Jett swallowed harshly.

"I want every single detail," Adam demanded, his voice stern and cold.

Venemous, Jett concluded. He hasn't changed much though. Still the same man that I knew from the beginning.

Adam broke hearts, not replaced them. He'd make a girl fall for him and before they would get too serious, he would have another victim at his disposible. What Adam did wasn't hard considering that the opposite gender was putty in his hands. With his auburn locks and bright blue eyes, he was a very noticeable person.

"Why? What's so important about them to you?" Jett questioned, the two having a silent staredown with their eyes. Blue on blue.

"Because she was my fiancée at one point. I was engaged. You of all people should know I don't do that." His voice rose.

Jett's voice, however remained the same. "If I'm correct, you broke her heart. Why would you want to know why I took her if she's your trash. Brooke is no concern of yours."

The other man slammed his palm against the old, wooden table with the quaint black and white checkered cover. "Of course she is!"

Jett breathed in. "Elaborate."

Adam did the same as Jett. Instead of one, he took many. He shook his leather jacket to clear a piece of imaginary dust. Adam clipped his eyes shut for a few mere moments.

"I did it because I was scared. You know I don't associate with love well. I feared for what I was feeling for her so I made her hurt to back off. I don't know why I proposed in the first place. I was blind, I guess." He shook his head that was placed in the palms of his large hands. "Knowing that you have her for no good reason just broke me. I can't allow you to do this. You have to let her go."

Jett could feel the fear radiating off the man. His posture had shrunk two sizes from when he started the speech to when he ended it. In all honesty, Jett felt bad for the poor guy but life is unfair. Jett had to survive and having Brooke in his possession will let him. But Jett would have to lay it down easily for Adam.

"You really love her, don't you?" Jett asked.

"She means the world to me," Adam


"I'm not letting her go. This is for my father. I won't hurt her but I won't let her go. Not until she gives me what I need," Jett retorted.

Adam's face fell but he nodded anyway. "Just let her know that I never meant anything bad I did to her."

With those heavy words spoken, Jett stood up and extended his phone from his pocket and typed something into it. Adam gave him a questioning look but looked at his phone nontheless when it chimed from a message.

Adam let out a barely audible chuckle. "I owe you big time for this. Thank you."

As Adam left, a smile hanging on his face, Jett smiled a little to himself as well. The message held a time, date and location to where Brooke was being held captive.

At four o'clock, on the fifth of February, Adam will see his precious Brooke.


A/N: Okay, I know it's not the best chapter but I had a lot to do and I didn't exactly know what to write about.

It's extremely short compared to the other one's too and I'm sorry for that. When you have a busy schedule, this is what happens. I'll make sure to make time for the next chapter though since some interesting things will be happening.

I hope you guys enjoyed nonetheless. If not, messgage me and tell me what you think it needs. Just make sure to put my name so Tiffy knows it's to me and not her.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask through the comments and/or IM and PM. Your choice.


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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jul 11, 2015 ⏰

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