Halloween Special [ Rosalie x Joanna ]

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chapter summary: Joanna's the new werewolf on campus and everyone and their grandmother wants to her to join their fraternity. Being a vampire, Rosalie couldn't care less about Spencer, but she had to admit, she was a little intrigued by the rumors that flocked around Spencer. After a less-than-ordinary shouting match with Joanna at a frat party, Rosalie is faced with a peculiar request.

tl;dr A slightly rebellious vampire!Rosalie goes up against a socially awkward werewolf!Joanna.

warnings: Blood, carnivorous food, references to drugs 


When Rosalie was younger and possessed a significantly higher level of self-importance, she became interested in the existence of "someone special". She wasn't convinced that her interest stemmed from romantic tendencies—far from it. She was more or less perturbed by this particular person's existence. So much so, in fact, that she spent an absurd amount of time observing from the outskirts of their shared lecture halls wondering why in Satan's godforsaken name this "special someone" was majoring in English when the person had the comprehension skills of a toddler.

This person was Joanna Spencer.

Rosalie's absurd amount of time spent—or rather, wasted—studying the less-than-subtle art of Joanna Spencer "contributed to her failing grades" (quote, unquote). Rosalie, who graduated high school as valedictorian of the class with the workload of multiple AP courses that would make university fly by in a breeze. All of her general education requirements were covered because of it, so now all of her focus was on her major.

And Joanna Spencer, apparently, she thought, pressing the pad of her thumb idly against the sharp point of her left canine. It was a curious obsession that she spent an ample amount of time dissecting.

She pricked her skin with it and watched the dark, empty gap close over in a neat patchwork of fresh skin cells.

She pursed her lips as her mother went on and on over the phone. She considered hanging up, but her mother had literally 24 hours, seven days a week to keep calling. Maybe I could ask Tante Bee to cut all the charging cords in the house so her phone battery dies? Rosalie wondered to herself.

"—This is so unlike you! And we have tickets to Spain at the end of June—we'll have to cancel your flight and—Maybe I should send Sami over to check in on you more frequently. You shouldn't be partying so much if you're going to pass the MCAT," her mother insisted.

It was rather ironic that Rosalie was even majoring in biology in preparation for med school. A vampire in a hospital? It was laughable at best.

"Ma, I'm not even partying that much," she said, only to think to herself, Maybe three times a week, if that. She only had one human friend—Jamie-Lee—who would otherwise join her for all of those endeavors, but being a vampire had its little pleasures.

Like having literally 24 hours, seven days a week to do whatever the hell she wanted. Or at least, 16/7, since her professors liked to think that their coursework would take upwards of eight hours a day. And, since sports were out of the question (being a vampire complicated that whole affair), her schedule was freed up significantly.

"Well pardon me for not trusting you," her mother said. "You'd do so much better if you attended a university closer to home. It'd be easier for you to concentrate at home!"

"I don't think concentration is the issue here, Ma." Concentration absolutely, definitely was the issue.

"I know it's not your intelligence that's the issue. And if it is, you can't blame my genes for that."

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