Chapter 4

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  The cold wind swept across Lloyd's face, giving him goosebumps. He could feel each thrust of his dragon's wings, lapping the air with strong muscles. The moon shone brightly in the sky, and he could see stars spread throughout the vast ocean of darkness. The touch of his elemental dragon felt cold but filled with energy, since Lloyd summoned it from within his power. He trusted it with all his heart, believing that his elemental companion was willing to tirelessly soar through the skies until his uncle was found.

  His eyes focused on a narrow road that reached the horizon. Lloyd knew that following this path would eventually lead him to more roads that led to Ninjago City.

  He tilted his head upward, looking at the stars. His mind flooded with old memories of him when he was much younger, and his mother sitting on the porch of his house, gazing at the bright dots. He would lean on her shoulder, breathing in her warm scent. She would tell him about all her adventures ever since she was a young girl. Lloyd had heard her stories many times, but the feeling of eagerness always remained. Stories of when she would run around grassy fields with her friends to learning new things from her parents, growing up to discovering amazing facts about archaeology and the history of Ninjago.

  "Now, Lloyd," she would begin to tell him. "The world is a vast place with unimaginable wonders. Much has happened in the past, and yet is to come in the future. You may be one in millions, but each person is special in their own way." She would smile her best smile, and Lloyd's chest would erupt in happiness and comfort, knowing that he would never leave his mother's side. He would search her eyes with wide, curious ones. "Especially you. You are my world, little one. Wherever you are, mother is always next to you." He was pulled into a tight embrace, the soft cloth of his mother's warm coat engulfing him entirely. He would bury his face into her, the feeling of happiness overwhelming him, a few tears trickling down his face. He'd said nothing, but he knew that he loved his mother more than anything in the world. He'd held her, not wanting to let go of the moment.

  Suddenly, she began to disappear, her skin evaporating into thin air, her smile dissipating as well. Lloyd could feel her warmth going away while he saw his young self begin to panic. Cold seeped into his palms. His eyes widened in shock and fear. Loneliness clutched the pit of his stomach in an uncomfortable tug. He felt his skin prickle with dread when he realized that she was leaving. For good.

  "No," he heard his past self whisper, all too familiar with the thought of his vanishing mother terrifying him. His breath hitched. "No! Mom, don't go!" little Lloyd screamed, tears falling down his face. He sobbed uncontrollably. "Please! Stay here with me! Mom! Mom! You can't go! What will I do without you?" he continued yelling.

  His home, the moonlit sky, the soft grass, all of it swirled into an image Lloyd was too familiar with. A large building a few stories high loomed intimidatingly over him. It was made from enormous sized bricks, the green tiles of the roof looking as if it would slide off and land on his unprotected head. He could see graffiti paint beside the entrance to the building. Lloyd suspected it was a symbol that presented a gang of students that went to this awful school. Lloyd faintly remembered one of them, going by the name of Brad. He'd been nice to Lloyd at first, but he eventually discovered that their friendship was a sick lie.

  "Lloyd?" someone's voice called. He spun around wildly; his hair caught up in his face. He recognized that voice, and as soon as he turned around, his heart lurched painfully. There, in the clearing, standing in front of yet another young him, was his mother Misako. She wore a cloak over her to shield herself from the aggressive wind and the shower of rain. There was another lady there he didn't recognize waiting near the entrance of the building. She was tapping her foot impatiently, a ruler in hand. She had short, curly brown hair. She was wearing a dark blue uniform, a purple tie hanging from the collar. Her face was scrunched up, her nose wrinkled, staring at his young self with distaste. She wore heels on the uneven ground, yet she held her stance, standing strong and empowering.

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