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You know the depiction of good and evil is a fine line. One often depicted by others' views.

Say no evil.

Do no Evil

Hear no Evil.

However, who is evil, and who has the right to label it as such.


Because I know people make rumors that spread around like Devil Snare choking and suffocating you to death.

A person can say a rumor that you got your grades through cheating or steal other people's boyfriends, and suddenly, you are the bad person.

You are evil.

You are evil for taking something from someone—evil for cheating.

When in actuality, you just smiled at the guy, and he thinks now that you are his personal property.

Or, in fact, you study for weeks, engraving the knowledge in your brain, skipping meals to get grades in fear of failure. But you are labeled as a cheat who is lazy and snobbish.

And you bullied someone else into getting those answers when you did nothing of the sort in actuality.

Give a guy a wink or get ahead in class, and people think you are pretentious and sleazy.

I was always the center of the rumors.

Pointed at.

Blamed at.

When actuality, The parent's little angels were the cruel ones.

But how can their child be rude? No, they can't be harsh or mean the parents protest.

But now you have been labeled evil, then outcast by the parents and their children.

All I wanted was to be loved. To be told that everything was going to be okay.

I was not as cynical as I was now.

I, too, had a family.

I, too, was someone's little angel.

I had a loving father, a beautiful kind mother, and a lovely small brick house. It was not extravagant, but it was warm and full of love. That was all I needed.

I can recall the house in the countryside where the trees smelled of pine and fresh grass. The walls were made of bricks and smelled of herbs and spices.

When I would come home every summer afternoon, I was given strawberry ice cream with a cherry on top and sprinkle with rainbows to make me smile. Then my father would give me a warm kiss and my mother a big hug.

It was lovely; it was home.

Until a sudden burst of magic from you causes your world to change.

You were no longer a child born from your family's love but a wizard. Not a normal wizard, but one gifted with more magic abilities than anyone in your family's bloodline.

So what happens now when your estranged family comes at your doorstep demanding you to hand your child over.

What does a parent do with that?

Of course, they want to protect their darling child. They would never hand their child to a family who is cruel and mean. And does not understand the love of a family.

But how can they stop the family when the loving parents wind up dead mysteriously one day.

There I was only eight years old, forced to live in a family full of Pure-Blood supremacists. Forced to become their little soldier, their pride and joy, and burden.

Is It Okay To Love The Villainess (Bellatrix x Female OC)Where stories live. Discover now