New Villains

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With Deku and Bakugo

On Saturday.

Midoryia and Bakugo went to the League's base. With stains story out their and people associating him with the league there were new members. Midoryia and Bakugo were quite surprised as were they. "Boss, what are 2 UA students doing here?" A man with blue eyes,black spiky hair, and purple stapled skin asked. "I'm glad you asked" shigaraki said. "Ah you 2 most be holding them hostage makes sense. You wouldn't think the 2 strongest kids in the hero course would be here of their own free will" a man with a black and white mask and top hat said. Shigaraki and Kurogiri began to laugh.

"Well for your information. We are here of our own will" Midoryia snapped. "Tsk underestimaters" Bakugo spat. "What are 2 little boys doing here? This is a villain league not a hero league. Leave" the black haired man said once again. "Hey question? Have you ever heard of they Mystery and Zero?" Midoryia said as he quickly replaced his angry look with a much more satisfied look. "Yeah? What's I they have to do with you?" The black haired man spat.

"I'll introduce myself. Hey, I'm Deku. Also known as The Mystery for heros." Deku smirked smugly. Shigaraki and Kurogiri also sad smug grins on. "I'm Bakugo, also known as Zero" Bakugo smirked. "Pff. Please don't lie boy. There's no way you 2 would be those elite vigilantes." The man with a black and white mask scoffed. Deku like out his scythe and pressed the button. "I'll have you know I was at the league longer than you were. I can kill you right now without hesitation, try me" Deku said as he glared daggers at the masked man. The black haired man was in shock and backed up. "Calm down now Deku. They're the new recruits. They don't know anything yet" Kurogiri said. "Tsk. Fine" Deku said as he retracted his weapon.

The masked man let out a with of relief. "Are they really the 2 elite vigilantes?" The black haired man asked. "Well Dabi, yes, yes they are. They're going to UA as information barers. They were in the league since their last year of middle school."  Kurogiri said. "Oh my. Sorry for my behavior" the man with the black and white mask said. "It's fine compress don't do that again" Kurogiri said signalling for Deku to calm down.

"Anyways. If any of you leak the tiniest bit of information about me and Zero, I'll have your heads." Deku threatened. "Okay" compress replied. "That's crazy cool, no it's not" a man with a gray and white mask said. "You heard Mystery. I'll say it again. Any information about these 2 gets out and your dead" Shigaraki also threatened. If the boss said it everyone would listen.

"Okay boss" Dabi replied. "Hey what did stain say about the offer?"  Bakugo asked. "He sadly declined. Because of that we removed his memory of you 2 , tied him up, and sent him to jail." All for one said through the computer. "Ah what a bummer. Doesn't matter cause In the end all might will die" Midoryia said his voice full of malice. It made the other newbies shiver a bit.

Crazy how he could fake an entire personality at school and actually be an entire different person in reality.

"Your right there, young Deku. Any new information?" All for one asked.

"Heh I'm glad you asked. While interning I found out I interned with his beloved old teacher. This teacher trusted me enough to tell me little tid bits of all mights last and weaknesses." Midoryia smirked. "Splendid do you mind sharing?" All for one asked.

"Well for starters he has a secret injury to his right respiratory system. In a dangerous battle he was stabbed all the way through he managed to survive. Ever since the incident he had a time limit to how long he could be out. Sadly he didn't tell me how long exactly. I also know all might cares a lot about this teacher, if we held him hostage it'd be easy to kill him" Midoryia replied. "So it is true. All might has a weakness and is plummeting down a failure rabbit hole" all for one laughed.

"Correct" Midoryia smirked. "I knew allowing you 2 into the league was a great decision" all for one said."how did you 2 cover for when I took stain?" Kurogiri asked.

"A simple lie to be honest. A hero came in and me and Kachaan killed him. Then we claimed it was stain and that we couldn't move due to his quirk. Everyone believed us" Midoryia explained. "Who's kachaan?" Compress asked. "Tsk. You can't call me that" Bakugo spat. "Ah nicknames." Compress said. "I'm surprised you managed to pull that lie off" Kurogiri said. "This Deku straight up fake cried infront of the officers and Iida. No one doubted his story for a second. The tears weren't even real?!" Bakugo yelled as he pushed Deku's head.

"Dang your one hell of an actor" Dabi said. "Hehe thanks. I practice" Midoryia said rubbing the back of his head. The rest of the league looked shocked to how someone so frightening could pull off an act that smooth, it made him even more frightening. "Great job with the cover up." Shigaraki said. "Yeah if I didn't know any better I would've thought it was true" Bakugo replied.  "My acting wasn't that good clam down. Forcing out tears was difficult I don't know how I managed to do so back then" Midoryia said changing the subject.

"Anyways. From what I see on the schedule you 2 have an exam coming up  after the exams you 2 will have a camp. We got a plan" Kurogiri said. "Spill" Midoryia said.

"We're thinking of fake kidnapping you and Bakugo. To put everyone on edge. That'll also help lure all might here. Maybe just maybe! You 2 can come out as vigilantes to the public. it's a heavy maybe we aren't sure just yet" Kurogiri said. "Eh good enough plan. Why not." Midoryia and Bakugo said. "Alright good. The camp isn't in for another 3 weeks though so don't mention it ever during class. You 2 aren't supposed to know according to UA" Kurogiri said.

"That's gonna be such a long wait." Deku complained. "Nothing we can do about it" Kurogiri laughed. "Eh whatever. Me and Kachaan gotta go. We promised some friends to meet them later and we can't raise suspicions so could you open a portal?" Deku said. "Of course. See you 2 layer" Kurogiri said as he opened them a portal.

They then left.

"How did you guys manage to get such strong vigilantes on our side?" Dani asked. "Well all might killed both of their mothers, they want revenge on all might, we want to kill all might. Win win situation. We then trained them and gave them missions, that's how their names for known." Kurogiri explained. "Oh... That's crazy. I would've never suspected 2 UA hero course students to be 2 infamous vigilantes. I'm surprised they managed to keep the act up this long" Compress said. "We know. That's exactly why they applied. Turns out they were plotting revenge long before we got to them. When we got them they were already on such a high level of skill." Shigaraki smugly smirked.

"This is gonna be one eventful Camp" spinner, a lizard man said.

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