1) A Cat's Intuition

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Another late night training with Bokuto and Kuroo. I've probably set a million balls at this point and my arms are starting to get sore.

After one spike more of the ball, Kuroo blocks, Bokuto lands back on his feet, pouting. "Come on, that's like the tenth spike in a row you've blocked!"

"Maybe you're just not as good as you think," Kuroo remarks, putting a hand on hus hip.

I lock my hands behind my back and lean my weight on one leg. "Bokuto, there's no point getting worked up about it."

"Come on! I haven't gotten that satisfying point in forever! I wanna see the ball hit the ground over there," he shouted, pointing to the other side of the net.

"Get better, then," Kuroo smirked.

"You're bot helping, Kuroo," I looked up at him.

"Ah, whatever!" Bokuto swatted the air and started heading for the door. "I'm gonna take a break, gotta piss."

"Alright, see you in a bit," Kuroo said as he crossed under the net. He rested his arm on my shoulder as we watched Bokuto walk out of the gym. Kuroo had this look in his eyes, the type he usually had when he was onto something and I didn't like it. Especially when he looked over at me with that creepy grin of his.

"What?" I ask, not sure if I actually want to know or not.

He snickers. "You like Bokuto, don't you."

Oh. I feel that familiar tickling in my lungs and the suffocating tightening at the back if my throat. Nothing happens though, I got it under control years ago. "Why would you say that," I have no reaction.

"The way you look at him. It's the same way I look at the person I love, you can't hide it from me Akaashi~"

I shake my head. "You're being ridiculous. Why would I ever be in love with Bokuto?"

"I don't know, you tell me. You're the one who's in love with him, not me."

I shoot a glare at him as I sense my blood about to boil. "You should leave it alone, Kuroo," I say coldly. "I don't love him. Not like that."

"Hm. So you do love him, you just admitted it!"

I punch him in the arm, to which he laughs. I didn't hit him hard. "I said leave it alone, Kuroo. I mean it."

"I've never seen you get so defensive about something. You sure it's not 'cause I'm right?"

I walked over to the wall promptly and picked up my jacket. "Tell Bokuto I went home. I'm too tired to keep practicing."

"Sure. That's why you're going home," he doesn't believe me. "Maybe you just haven't realized it, think on it, will you?"

J dont answer him and just head out into the cold night air as I slip my arms through the sleeves of my hoodie. "I've thought on it plenty," I mumble to myself in response to what he said.

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