2) Thinking on it

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I walked through the door and both of my parents greeted me with warm smiles. "Hey, Keiji," dad said as he was washing dinnerplates. "I thought you were gonna stay out later than this. Any special reason you're home earlier than usual?"

A scratching feeling tears at the back of my throat, it makes my eyes water. I don't answer him as I begin to cough it up. Damn you Kuroo, I think to myself, hating his intuition. It's none of his business who I like. Especially not with my condition.

"Think on it, will you?"

That's my problemb idiot. I can't stop thinking about it. About him. His golden eyes. His determination. His spirit. His soft hair. His smile. His happiness. All of him. I love him so much dammit.

I can't breath.

I crash to my knees and heel over the floor, petals falling to the clean wood.

"Get his medicine!" Dad yelled to my mother as he ran over to me. She ran to the bathroom to get my emergency pills. I know that there's only two left. My father is at my side in only a second and he rubs circles on my back as he frantically waits for mom to get in here.

I grasp at my throat, I can feel an entire flower lodged in my airway, making it impossible to get a breath in. My face grows red from the lack of oxygen and my vision is starting to go blurry. "I can't-" I gasp, eyes wide. "Dad, I can't breathe-" I continue to choke on the flower as he sits me up and wraps his arms around my torso.

His arms quickly tightened around me, the flower loosening in my windpipe. His arms thrust around me again a few more times until my breathing cleared and the flower fell out of my mouth and onto the floor. I didn't stop coughing though.

Mom came into the room with a cup of water and a familiar pill in her hand. "Take this, okay." She hands me the pill and I manage to stop mu hacking long enough to get it down with the water.

Blood and saliva falls from my lips as I go back to coughing up the flowers. To my relief, the flowers don't get stuck again, but it doesn't make it any less painful. Each petal scraped against the insides of my throat and lungs and tasted bitter against my tongue.

It took ten minutes before the coughing and hacking finally came to an end and there was a good amount of blood covering each petal and the floor.

"Water," I said weekly, my voice hoarse, as I pointed toward the cup my mother had set on the floor. She reached over and handed me the glass, I quickly put it to my lips and drank from it. The cold liquid ran down my throat, easing the pain slightly.

"Keiji, we need to take you to the doctor," dad said, his hand still resting on my back. Mom nodded, agreeing.

"I'm fine now," I throw away the idea. "This always happens, remember. I'll be fine." Mom and dad share a look for a minute as I get to my feet, legs shaking. "Please," I say, looking at them both as they stand up. "Don't make a big deal out of this."

Dad puts a hand on my shoulder. "Would you look at the amount of blood on the floor," he says and I glance down. He's right, there's a lot. "You have to admit this is getting worse."

"Sweetie, I know you don't like to confront this, but it's not going well. We're going to the doctor," mom said, gling to get her keys.

"Mom, please," I say, tilting my head in a begging manner. "I just want to rest. We can go to the doctor some other time."

She takes a deep breath and glances at dad. He speaks up first. "If it happens again this badly you tell us, alright. Do you want dinner?"

I shake my head. "No, I really just want to sleep."

"Okay," he ruffles my short hair and smiles. "Get some rest then. You've got a game coming up don't you?"

I nod, gently holding my hand against my neck, my throat still hurts. "Yeah. I'll see you both tomorrow." I wave and walk past them down the hallway towards my bedroom.

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