Chapter 7

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Auran walked up to a tree with glowing spheres hanging from it.  It was amazing, and she wondered what kind of plant it was.  Glory walked up to her.

"You're curious about this, aren't you?" Glory asked.  Auran nodded.  "It's the Moon Globe Tree.  An animus dragon enchanted this to grow glowing spheres."

"It's amazing," Auran breathed.  "There's nothing like this back at Volare."

"If you don't mind me asking, what was Volare like?" Glory asked.

"It's horrible back there," Auran replied.  "Mixed-tribe relationships are banned, relationships between the same gender are banned, and you have to be the same gender you're born as."

"What happens if you do disobey that?" Glory asked.

"You get sent to this place called the Correction Area," Auran explained.  "It's led by this dragon who-I see you there."

A NightWing walked out of the trees.

"Deathbringer, what brings you here?" Glory asked.  Although the Queen's voice was cold, Auran could hear something under it.

"Just making sure my Queen is alright," Deathbringer responded.

"I'm completely fine, Deathbringer," Glory assured.

"I can't be too sure of that with you expecting eggs," Deathbringer replied.

"Deathbringer!" Glory hissed.  She turned to Auran.  "I guess you heard that.  Can you keep it secret?"

"I will," Auran promised.

"I still need to find someone who can take my place," Glory explained.  "I want to dedicate my time to raising them.  They'll have a better life than I did."

"Kinkajou?" Auran asked.

"She seems to be the only option," Glory responded.  " you want to?"

"Me?" Auran exclaimed.  "Why me?"

"You seem like a natural leader," Glory responded.  "There's something you aren't telling me, though.  I won't press, but know you're always welcome in the Rainforest Kingdom.  And the eggs aren't due for another month, so I'll give you time to think.  Tell me in two weeks or less."

Auran nodded.  "I will."

She was leaning towards accepting.  Maybe she'll learn how to be a good Queen, and then get the SpotWings back.  She took off towards her cave in the academy.

"Auran!" Dia flew up towards the SpotWing.  "Guess what?"

"What?" Auran asked.

"Starflight said that they'll figure out a way to make me a female dragon in body!" Dia explained.

"That's great!" Auran congratulated.

"What's wrong?" Dia asked.

"Queen Glory said she'll be busy for a while in a month," Auran explained, "and she offered me to take her place."

"You? A queen?" Dia asked.  "What about when you're male?"

Auran sighed.  "I haven't told her about that.  The only King I've ever seen is Malus."

"Then you can be a better King than him," Dia responded. "Tell Glory and see what she says."

"She said I was always welcome," Auran responded.  "But maybe tomorrow.  I want to think about something for now."

"Asma?" Dia asked.

"What if it's her?" Auran asked.

"I heard your singing," Dia replied.  "You've never sung like that before."

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