Chapter 11:secret sisters

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Before my parents divorced My dad and mum always told her not to go to that room on the left beside my bedroom. I didn't know why but i listened.But my mum wasn't home that day so i opened the door and and.. saw pictures of me and another girl beside me and what's supposed to be her mum. That didn't look anything like her mum tho. I had so many questions going through my mind. Like "I'm I adopted?" "Who's that women?" And "who's that kid!?" I took the pictures to put them in my bedroom to show my mum when she would come home. After a couple hours 2 to be exact she finally got home. "Mum! Can u come in my room for a second?!" "Coming sweetheart!"my mum walked up the stairs came in the room and.. "WHERE DID YOU GET THOSE!?" "NO! You answer MY questions first! Sit down!" My mum sat down and listened to all the questions she had. "Fine I'll tell you everything, I'm no- I'm not your mum and the kid beside is your sis- your sister. My name isn't Emma It's Jasmine" Jasmine said while crying "WAIT SO YOU WERE LYING TO ME FOR 14 YEARS!" I screamed "the women is OUR mum but she died after she had you and I pretended to be your mum I Promised that to her!!" "Who was dad then uh?!" "He WAS my boyfriend the divorce was fake but we DID breakup" "Jasmine or mum or sister THAT DOES NOT CHANGE THE FACT YOU LIED TO ME!? How old even are you?! Uh" "I'm - I'm 24 when you were born you were kinda adopted by someone else but then when u were a bit older I started to take care of you"  "STOP JUST STOP!!" Ella said then slammed the door. Everything IS a lie I kept on saying to myself

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