Chapter 2

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Answer: 1-Malec 😍, 2-Sizzy 🥰, 3-Clace 🤮

I collapsed onto the ground panting as the rain washed over my face, for a first day of football training the coach sure doesn't mess around. He's made us run ten laps of the entire field while it was pissing it down, making it harder and slippery. After that we kicked the ball around a couple of times and then we were practising our shooting which of course, I was put in goal getting beaten the shit out of by a ball.

My whole body ached from how much it had been practicly abused and I could hear how hard the blood pulsed in my ears, I've never been that active in my entire life, not even in my previous experience in football.

Even letting myself relax my muscles for even a second hurt, the worse of it is that I know I'm probably not going to be able to move tomorrow. I was covered in bruises, grass and mud from all the falling over, these stupid football boots were no help at all.

Jace laughed out of breath,"Come on buddy, you did good" he said holding out a hand. Weakly, I took it and slowly got up,"It's the first thing in the fucking morning" I groam

"Yeah well that's coach for yah," my brother explains as we make our way back to the changing rooms,"He won't let you rest until he's satisfied"

"I don't care, I still have classes to get to so I won't be doing this all the time, plus I skipped geography for this"

"Don't you worry about it, I have one of my boys already waiting for you in the library, like I promised"

I roll my eyes and head straight towards the linked shower room, pealing off my dirty clothes to reveal my some how even muddier body.

"So, your birthday in two weeks. We doing the usual?" Jace asks as he goes to the shower next to me, my body tenses and I try my hardest not to look his way but I couldn't help having a quick peek at his abdomen

"I don't know, aren't I a bit old for these things?"

"Dude your turning eighteen and it's been your birthday tradition for longer then we've known eachother. Plus, it's fun to get out with you every once in awhile" He scrubs his hair

I've always loved sleeping under the stars since me and Izzy spent the night in the back garden, it was just so peaceful and you could hear the sounds the creatures of the night make like owls, rabbits and others

What made it better was that my parents would never come because they were to busy, so it was just me, Jace, Izzy and Steel. It was the only night of the year that I could feel free.

"Sure thing" I say, stopping the shower and rapping a towel around my waist before stepping back into the changing room and back to where my clean clothes were.

After getting dressed and putting our dirty clothes in our bags, me and Jace made our way over to the library where my table wasn't as empty as it was yesterday, there was a boy sat as it. His hair was a mousey brown, his eyes slightly darker, black glasses. He was wearing a black shirt with a star wars logo on the front, black skinny jeans and a camo jacket.

"Yo Si!" Jace called, making his way around the table to his friend. "Whatup dude" the man, Simon, said and got up, they bumped the sides of there fisted hands together, clicked there fingers and pulled away with smiles on their faces.

"Jace Lightwood in a library? Am I dreaming?" He asked with a mocking shocked tone in his voice.

When my parents found a very distressed and upset ten year old at our front door with nothing but a first name they had no idea where he came from. When they took him to the adoption center they found no trace of him anywhere.

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