So This Thing Might Actually Work

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"Low iron levels, really?"

MJ laughs, "Yeah. The workers at Stockwell always told me that my mother said that it was like holding a brick when I was younger since I could never maintain body heat. I also have ADHD, so..." She waves the other earbud in the air for explanation.

I ponder this, "But the chances of having all of those-"

"Are rare, yeah I know." She snaps back solemnly, "The doctors told me. And if my parents-" MJ immediately stops, realizing what she said as her face darkens. "If my mum had bought all the meds that I had needed when I was older, she'd be broke and I'd be popping pills every half hour. So instead she just dumped me here. End of story."

A silent pause passes between us, half a moment of awkward tension. She grimly chuckles and scribbles a couple of extra things on the back of the gum wrapper with her pen, "I mean, why keep a child who is literally messed up in every way possible when you can just get rid of it and make a new one in 9 months?"

I could tell the laugh was forced. "I'm sorry love... I mean MJ... That must be hard. I mean-"

"It's better if we didn't talk about it," She snarls, "I got enough problems as it is, we don't need to be bringing them up as well."


"TIME!" Our favourite Mrs Ainswoth chooses that moment to burst through the door of the room, her large voice coming out of her tiny frame, "Apologies Mr Holland, but it's time for the student to get to bed."

She aggressively grabs MJ by the upper arm and starts to pull her away, catching the girl off guard and making her cry out; dropping what she had in her hand. Before Ainsworth makes it to the door she turns back to me, "I assume you can make your way out by yourself, Mr Holland?"

I nod to MJ and her, tipping my head, "Yes ma'am I'll be fine."

The two of them disappear down the hallway as I turn around to grab my jacket from the chair. I pause for a second as I turn around, noticing that MJ left her gum wrapper face down on the table. Curious, I flip it over and see small doodles in black ink from what I assumed was the pen she was using earlier. Squinting I carefully read what she wrote.

'I know this looks cheesy, but please get me out of here, even if it's only for 2 months. XX - MJ'

Sprinting back to the hallway, I see Mrs Ainsworth and MJ rounding the corner, MJ still being pulled from the forearm. "Mrs Ainsworth!" I cry out. The old woman turns with a sour look, probably wanting me to already be gone.

"Yes, Mr Holland?"

"I'll be back tomorrow."

And just as promised, the very next day I was back at Stockwell. (I was actually so excited that I got there early, so my enjoyment and Mrs Ainsworth's displeasure.) Nonetheless, Mrs Ainsworth greeted me with her best smile and led me inside, just like the day before.

However this time instead of going left or right, she led me straight ahead, through a set of two office doors behind the main desk.

Broken Half: A Tom Holland StoryWhere stories live. Discover now