Part 4: V092

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When I was running from dad I had passed a villain attack in the starting . After i had passed maybe even dad, the crowd formed over . Hero's were just getting there from the other side but I didn't think they could see me so I didn't scream out. What hero would help a quirkless person like me anyways? They had better things to do for example the villain that was present. Usually I would stop to see the villain attack but right then and there wasn't a good time (obviously). And so on that's when I entered the alleyway thinking my my dad had gotten caught up in the group forming. That wasn't the case because he then launched at me.

And.. by the way.. had I seen Kacchan a little too close to the villain in the corner of my eye? I don't know. It could've been just me..

Narrator POV : Katsuki had just kicked a bottle of green liquid, mad that his friends had mentioned Deku and how he was his childhood friend . That's when Hisashi's decoy had started attacking just in the alleyway next to where Hisashi had launched at Deku. How did Hisashi know Bakugo would do that? How did he know the villain got dropped by all might somehow? And How did he know it was going to be the alleyway right next to where he had took his son that the villain was dropped at? How had he planned this so correctly? Who knows? You'd have to ask him yourself.

(Deku's POV)
Next thing I knew it was dark. Was I sleeping?  No. I didn't feel like i was sleeping.  Was I awake? No. I was not awake either.. perhaps I was dead..? Maybe. Honestly I couldn't really tell.. the feeling was of like drowning but not struggling.. no fear was felt... In a way it was quite comforting.
Well.. comforting until I had woken up

I had woken up tied up to a chair with rope. If I had a quirk I could've easily broken the rope. But again, I reminded myself that I was defenseless and quirkless so i couldn't have broken the rope even if I had tried.
I was scared out of my mind. What was happening. Why did it have to be me?
I had also been confused over the fact that I was tied up in the first place. I couldn't remember much at all.

My memories were just starting to fade back slowly when my father had walked in. He didn't say much. Though he did look a bit.. different. No. Not a bit. He looked A LOT different. How did I even recognize him as my dad? I'm not even sure myself. I was scared. Extremely scared.
That's when my world had gotten dark.

My dreams

My—————————————————— (deleting.... 99.2% finished......) ..

???: Thank you V092

At first I had a bunch of ideas for this story but that was months ago so I can only remember some of the ideas I had come up with.  UHH OKAY JEJDJSJS BYEEEE 👏👏👏👏

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