I WILL find him.

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Oh Jesus it's been too long since I last updated (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞ I'm sorry I've been gone for so long! Now, onto the story ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Deleting..... 99.9% finished...
Deleting completed.

V092's POV
I had woken up. My mind was blank. What was I doing there? Who was the person in front of me..? Heck, I didn't even know my name.
Afo: Hi! I would like to introduce myself... you can call me All For One! Maybe I should tell you your name since you might not be aware of it.  You can call yourself V092!

V092: what kind of name is that.?
Afo: don't be rude to me boy! "Slaps"
V092: AGH!?
Afo :
After we fix you, you should not even feel that. I'll have Shigiraki lead you over to your room. You better get rest because that will be the last time you ever will get a whole night of sleep.

V092's POV:
I was lead to the room by shigiraki.. I knew being here wasn't right. I was scared and wanted to leave... what did afo mean by what he said..? What was going to happen to me...? ... maybe he's lying...

Narrator POV:
Little did v092 know, afo would not be lying .. vo92 would never see sleep for more than 30 minutes ever again...

Bakugo's pov,

All might ended up saving me and apologizing for dropping the slime dude.
I went home and the hag said we were going to see if Inko was okay because of the fact that they were going to meet and inko never showed up. I was surprised because auntie always showed up to their meetings. I was curious so I decided to go. When we got there the door was wide open.
what could've happened to auntie and... izuku..? Wait, did I actually worry for izuku?
DAMNIT! I don't know anymore!
All I knew was that I was worried... I had a bad feeling...
we entered and no one was home. The hag yelled her name multiple times but there was no reply. Maybe they weren't home but left the door open.
"IZUKU!!" I yelled,
The nerd should've been home by now..he always gets home an hour before we were there..
We first went upstairs to izuku's room. He wasn't there.
Then we went to auntie and uncles room-

"AAAAAAA" mistuki yelled.
I ran to the hags room and she yelled at me to call 911.
I got out my phone and while I was calling is when I noticed aunties dead.. hanging body.. there was absolutely no life in her face.. that's what scared me the most.. her lively smile always made me sorta happy... but it was gone.. she.. was..gone..

The police couldn't find hisashi or izuku anywhere assuming maybe, a villain took them and killed inko alongside that.

about a month later they closed the case and that made me and the hag . extremely angry..
I then decided I was going to find izuku myself... I didn't care what people said, even if this takes me until I'm out of UA, I will find izuku. No matter the circumstances or consequences.

Again, I'm so sorry I haven't updated in forever! I've been extremely busy with the holidays and Christmas! Ummm anyways happy New Years!

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