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Alright, so, there was this kid in my 5th hour class. Now this 5th hour is split in half. 30 minutes of class, 30 minutes of lunch, and the final 30 minutes of the same class.

And there is a reason as to why I am calling this kid "COVID kid". After lunch he stood by the door coughing WITHOUT HIS MASK ON. the school then sent him home for the day and he is reason #1 of why my in-person school went back to distance learning or homeschooling.

Some kids in my 5th hour class tested positive after that incident. Okay. My grade is irresponsible. We were the only grade in that school with COVID cases.

Then on the 31st of October (mind you this is 8th grade) a bunch of 8th graders threw a party and on Nov 2nd my teacher asked who went trick or treating. I was the only one who raised my hand. Yep I was the only 8th grader who went trick or treating.

That week, half of my grade, except for my friends and I, tested positive therefore we were the blame the school shut down. And COVID kid tested positive too.

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