Your Favorite Song

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Nathaniel waited in the empty parking lot for almost twenty minutes. Maybe Marc wasn't coming. Who wants to come out of their house and face the world after being humiliated by everyone at school?

Another minute passes, and Marc pulls up next to Nathaniel's car and steps out, bundled in his signature red hoodie. Nathaniel felt so guilty looking at him. He looks more closed off than usual, dark bags are under his eyes, his makeup isn't even done, the beautiful black nail polish chipped away, and Nathaniel was pretty sure that hoodie was covering up his bedhead.

"I-I didn't think you'd come," Nathaniel finally said

"... What do you want?"

'Okay, I deserve that.' "Marc, I am so sorry."

Marc narrowed his eyes, "... Were you in on it?"

It looked like a tear was about to stream down his face. And Nathaniel desperately wants to hold his hand and kiss that tear away, but this seems like a bad moment to do so. "I wasn't, I swear. My parents just threw me in the limo they rented... I didn't know."

"Well, I'm glad you and your new friends had fun." Marc laughed bitterly as Nathaniel tries very hard not to cry, "It was humiliating. Standing there alone in the gym... And wearing that stupid tuxedo. And just knowing that people planned all of this behind my back..."


"And the worst part was that you didn't come.", he whispered, but Nathaniel heard him, "You knew what what happened, and you did nothing. I needed you. I-I had a panic attack because of that stunt everyone pulled!" Nathaniel's eyes widened when he heard that, "Rena Rouge had to console me for an hour, but i wanted you. You weren't there to hold my hand, tell me it would be okay."

"But it couldn't come!", Nathaniel yelled

"You should have!", Marc yelled back

Nathaniel finally snapped, "You know what my parents are like! They are complete and total control freaks!", he reaches for Marc's hand, but he quickly shoved both of his hands into his hoodie pockets

"Yeah. I do. Right now, they're trying to make it look like I'm the bad guy. Like I

s the one who called 1-800-Superheroes and asked Ladybug, Chat Noir, and them to come to our school and destroy prom for everyone!"

"Chat Noir was at the park," Nathaniel said, "He was trying to change our classmate's minds about you, about us!"

Marc rolled his eyes, "Great. Tell him I said good luck... I'm making another post on my Instagram, and I'm telling the whole story. Are you gonna do it with me?"

Nathaniel froze. If he did this with Marc, then... His parents might find out. It would all be over. He agrees with Marc, and he is on his side, but despite everything, he still loves his parents and he can't just go against them, he's never done that. "... I... I w-want to, but..."

Marc wipes away a tear forming at the corner of his eyes, "Nathaniel." Not 'Nath', 'Love', 'Sweetie', "I believe you have feelings for me, but I can't do this anymore. I-it hurts to much."

Neither of them say anything for what felt like hours. Nathaniel finally spoke, "Is this... Are you breaking up with me?..." He chokes back a sob when Marc doesn't speak.

"I guess I am," Marc finally said with a nod, "yeah. Bye."

Nathaniel wants to throw himself at Marc and beg him to stay, but instead he just watches him drive away.

Now all wants to do is scream until he loses his voice, yell at his parents, punch a wall, but instead, he breaks out into sobs.

He did everything his parents expect of him, and for what? They'll never stop wanting him to be perfect Nathaniel Kurtzberg. He slumps against the side of his car and covers his face as he continues crying.

Nathaniel lost the one thing that was his, the one thing that his parents had no control over... The thing that actually made him happy.

You're not yourself
You're not what he wants
You're someone in-between

NathMarc November 2020Where stories live. Discover now