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Nathaniel had to be the most ticklish person Marc has ever met. He discovered this little quirk about his boyfriend during art club one day. He and Nathaniel were working on their comic, Marinette was sketching out designs for a dress, Rose and Juleka were writing lyrics, and Alix... Was sneaking up behind Nathaniel with a pencil and an evil grin plastered on her face. Marc saw her approaching with his peripheral vision and before he could say anything, she shushed him. He was so glad he listened because breaking the silence in the classroom was Nathaniel's laughter.

Marc wondered what was going on until he saw Alix poking at Nathaniel's sides with the pencil. Barely even poking him, honestly. Even when she stopped, Nathaniel continued laughing and begging for it to end until he saw Alix's shit-eating grin and chased her all around the school. Marinette, Juleka, and Rose explained that Nathaniel was the most ticklish out of everyone in Bustier's class. Even just the faintest graze against his skin had the redhead rolling on the floor laughing and begging for it to stop. And sometimes he didn't even laugh. If someone found the right spot, Nathaniel would make a sound that was similar to a baby panda sneezing. And Marc, who loved the baby panda video, needed to hear that.

So, one day while the two were over at Nathaniel's house watching Disney movies in the living room, Marc grazed his fingers against Nathaniel's neck, making the redhead start laughing. Not the reaction Marc was hoping for, but it was so cute to hear his stoic-looking boyfriend laugh. So, right when Nathaniel was beginning to relax, Marc started tickling him again, and the two fell off the couch and onto the floor with Marc straddling Nathaniel

"Hahahahahaha! Why?! What- Hahaha! Did I do?!" He asked during his laughing fit. Marc started laughing too, "The others told me how ticklish you were. I couldn't resist!"

"Oh my God- Hahahaha! They're so de- Ahahaha! Stop!"

"Stop what?"

"Stop, plea- Hahahaha! Please!" He manages to say through his laughter

Marc pretends to think for a moment, "Hmm... Nope." He continues to tickle Nathaniel's sides

"Hahahaha! Why?! I said please!"

Marc grinned, "Rose told me you sound like a sneezing baby panda if you're tickled in the right place, and I need to hear it!" He begins tickling his midriff

"Hahaha! That little traitor! Hahaha!" Nathaniel managed to regain some of his composure, grabbed Marc's wrists, and quickly switched their positions, "Let's see how you like it," he said with a devious look on his face. He started tickling Marc's neck, only getting a smirk in response. Off Nathaniel's confused look, Marc said, "I'm not ticklish." Nathaniel paled at those words, got up, and ran up the stairs with Marc chasing after him

"Don't you dare!" "You can't outrun me! My legs are longer than yours!"

Before he could make it into his bedroom, Marc engulfed him in a hug and tackled him to the floor


"You know what I wanna hear~", he sang

Nathaniel pouted before mumbling a "Fine." He tilted his head, exposing his neck, "Go ahead- AH!" He didn't have time to finish when Marc started poking at his bare neck, making the writer squeal with delight when he heard the sound he's been dying to hear. "Nath, that was so cute!"

Nathaniel would not give in to how sweet his boyfriend sounded right now. He frowned, but there was a hint of playfulness, "Satisfied?"

The noiret kisses his lips and smiles, "Yes."

NathMarc November 2020Where stories live. Discover now