Your Favorite Animal

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No one knew who the new Akuma was or how they got Akumatized. But it was clear that this new Akuma was another child. Honestly, Hawkmoth is just getting desperate now. They carried around a dog leash that acted as a whip, and when struck, the person would turn into a baby animal.

So far, four people in the Akuma class were turned into animals. Alya became a fox kit, Kim became a puma cub, Juleka was turned into a bunny with one of her ears dyed purple, and Sabrina turned into a terrier pup. Their significant others quickly rushed them home before the Akuma got them while the others took cover and searched around the school for anyone who might be okay.

Once the Akuma finally left the school and made their way to the rest of the city, Alix and Nathaniel left their hiding places and ran around the school looking everywhere for Marc. When the Akuma showed up, Nathaniel texted him to see if he was safe but he didn't respond, making the redhead worry.

"Marc?!" Nathaniel called out, "Are you here?!"

Alix stepped around a baby bunny and smiled at the reminder of her future superhero persona. She turned to Nathaniel and said, "I'm sure he's fine."

"But what if he got hit?" He asked frantically

"Well... It could be worse," Alix said, trying to reassure her friend, "Everyone is just getting turned into baby animals, so, nothing too bad," she smiled at the sight of Mireille cuddling a blonde bunny

Nathaniel sighed, "Yeah, I guess it's better than the other Akuma." He called out again, "Marc?!" He gets out his phone and tries calling him

Alix taps his shoulder, "Hey, I think I hear his phone," she grabs his wrist and leads him to where the ringing is coming from. Mme. Mendeleiev's classroom. They go in and find the science teacher watching over a few of the students that were turned into animals. There were bunnies, kittens, chicks, puppies, and what looked like a chinchilla

"Alix, Nathaniel," Mendeleiev greeted as she set a Siamese kitten back on the floor, "I'm glad to see that you two are alright. You two need something?"

"Hey Mme. Mendeleiev. Is Marc in here?" Alix asked as she looked around the room for the writer, "We heard his phone ringing."

Without saying a word, Mme. Mendeleiev reached down and picked up a black puppy with a rainbow collar. The mere sight of him made Nathaniel's pupils dilate, "I suppose you may want to take him with you, Nathaniel." After the redhead takes the puppy from her, she hands Alix Marc's phone

Alix sighed with relief when she saw that Marc was okay. A puppy, but okay. Nathaniel on the other hand, looked like he's died and gone to heaven. "Well, thanks Mme. M. We're gonna head out; good luck with the others," she said while dragging Nathaniel out of the room as he was too enamored with the little black puppy cradled in his arms

Once they were out of the room, Nathaniel asked, "Do you remember me, Rainbow?" In response, Marc licked his cheek, making Nathaniel let out a little squeal, "I'll take that as a yes."

Alix groaned, "Are we gonna do this again?"

Nathaniel raised an eyebrow, "Do what?"

"You always get like this around dogs!" She exclaimed, "And now that Marc's one, you're gonna be even more mushy and stuff," she made a gagging sound, "We get it, Nath! Dogs are adorable."

He rolled his eyes, "I do not act like that around dogs." Then, without meaning to, he proved her point by turning to Marc and saying, "Now let's go home, you pwecious wittle cutie!" He walks away, still cooing at him, "Who's the cutest? You are! Yes, you are!"

"... This is gonna be a long day." Alix deadpanned

With the Akuma still out in the city, it took Nathaniel some time to get home without being spotted. Once he finally got home, Nathaniel made his way up to his room where he sat on his bed then set Marc down in his lap. "And here I was thinking you couldn't get any cuter," he said. The black puppy stumbled out of his lap and over to the soft purple blanket Nathaniel kept at the end of his bed that they would always snuggle up in during movie nights and rolled around in it.

Nathaniel couldn't help the smile his lips were forming, "So sweet." He could not let this moment go to waste. So, Nathaniel pulled out his phone and took a picture of Marc bundled up in the blanket

Marc got back up but tripped due to his paw getting caught in the blanket. Regaining his composure, he made his way over to Nathaniel and started nudging against his hand

"You want me to pick you up?" Receiving another nudge in response, he took it as a yes and picked Marc back up. The first thing he did was start licking Nathaniel's face again when he was close enough, "Aw. Rainbow, I love you like this, but I want you back." He gave the puppy a little kiss on the head.

This had to be one of Nathaniel's favorite Akumas, next to Frightningale. When she zapped him and Marc, the two danced with each other for almost an hour while Marc sang to him while he just hummed (Apparently, that counted as singing). They couldn't do that now, though, but this was just as nice. It was no snuggling up together while wrapped in each other's arms or going out for dinner but at least he still had Marc.

Off the memory of their romantic dinners, Nathaniel realized that the Akuma attacked the school before lunch. It was a good thing his cousin would have him pet-sit sometimes. He always kept a small box of dog biscuits in the kitchen. With Marc still in his arms, he made his way downstairs into the kitchen, opened a cabinet below the sink and pulled out the box, "Let's hope you don't turn back while eating this," he chuckled as he pulled out a bone shaped biscuit. He put it in front of Marc's face and watched as he only nibbled on the treat that he couldn't fit in his mouth

"Hold on." Nathaniel broke a little piece off the biscuit and fed it to Marc

The rest of their day was spent with Nathaniel cuddling Marc, taking pictures of him when he did something cute (He ran out of space on his phone), annoying Alix by sending those photos, watching some of Marc's favorite movies along with a few Buddies movies on Nathaniel's tablet, and FaceTiming Rose and gushing over how cute their girlfriend and boyfriend are until finally, Nathaniel fell asleep with Marc resting on top of him

About an hour later, Nathaniel woke up to a soft snoring and something ticking his face. He opened his eyes and saw the familiar mop of black hair, "Rainbow?"

Responding to the nickname, Marc, now human again, lifted his head up and rubbed his tired eyes, "N-Nath?"

Nathaniel smiled, "Hey, Rainbow," he wrapped his arms around Marc

"Ugh. Why does my mouth taste weird?" He asked, "What happened?"

Nathaniel pulled out his phone and showed Marc the hundreds of photos he took when he was a puppy. Marc's green eyes widened in shock

Nathaniel giggled, "You were so adorable, I couldn't help myself!"

"That still doesn't explain why my mouth tastes weird."

"... I may have fed you a few dog treats."

"What?!" He got up off of Nathaniel and wiped his tongue on his hoodie sleeves while Nathaniel laughed, "Nath! Why'd you do that?!"

"You didn't mind!"

"Cause I was a dog!" He retorted

"An adorable one!" He cooed then planted a kiss on Marc's cheek. Then out of nowhere, Marc grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him in for a kiss. Nathaniel would have enjoyed it if Marc hadn't forced his tongue in his mouth so he could taste the dog treats he fed him before Ladybug cast her cure. He they finally broke apart, Marc was the one laughing as Nathaniel wiped his tongue on his sleeve, "Okay, I deserved that!"

Marc smiled then cupped Nathaniel's face in his hands and kissed his forehead, "Thanks for taking care of me."

Nathaniel wrapped his arms around his waist, "Of course. You'd do the same for me."

"Yeah, then I could feed you pet food."

NathMarc November 2020Where stories live. Discover now