An Ending

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"Wait!" Purple protested. "I really think that we should give him another chance. He could change just like Red did!"

"It wouldn't matter. I would die either way I go." White admitted. "I rather die this way."

Red's face was hard to read. "This is what happens when you kill people without a good reason. You should have known that they're good."

"Well, you killed two people that you should have known wasn't the impostor." White grunted. "Aside from that point, I don't think you know the truth. That our race destroyed their planet. We're at fault."

"What....?" Pink gasped.

Red was shocked to hear that too. (It does make sense though...with everything that I know about wonder the punishment for failure was so severe. It wasn't a misunderstanding. They were trying to take over everything they could.)

"Speechless?" White questioned.

All the kills Red had done in the previous time setting. They were all innocent. Well, Lime's still a jerk anyways.

"Wh-why did your race... destroy our planet...?" Pink stuttered.

"Yes. To be superior. Some even like the taste of your flesh. Like me." White removed his helmet with a sad, toothy grin. "Or to even use you as slaves. Our planet does this to dominate the universe. 'It is an honor to defend our planet', huh, Red?"

Red glared at White. "It doesn't matter now. You lost. The rest of us will find a place."

"They will hunt for you, you know. Your punishment... do you wonder what it could be?" White asked. "Do you want to know what mine is?" He didn't let Red answer. "My homeland will be bombed if I let crewmates live. If I die or kill everyone, there wouldn't be any need for that."

"Good thing you're going to die then," Red stated coldly. "You won't have to worry about facing their punishment."

"You'll die too." White replied. "Your girl won't be able to handle that."

"Wh-what...?" Pink stuttered.

White looked at Purple subtly. He sighed. "They implanted a device in your wrist. It would spread a deadly poison that would kill you in minutes."

Purple caught on to what he was saying. (He's going to...?)


Yellow saw Red take a knife out of his suit and hold it over his wrist. "Wait!" She called out. "That could kill you!"

"I have to risk it," Red said. "At least then there's a chance, even if it's a small one."

He was visibly struggling to do it. His hands were shaking. His eyes were full of fear. "I'm going to do everything I can to make sure Pink isn't alone."

"How do you know that?" Black glanced at White. "You better not be lying. Why are you telling us this?"

"I'm the one who was ordered to implant it." White admitted. "If this ship has its tasks completed, it would set off. I'm going to be ejected anyway."

"N-no!" Pink sobbed. "Red...! I don't want you hurt.. Ah... There must be some other way!" But there wasn't. She was terrified for him to do it. Cutting the wrist so deeply is lethal. This was too cruel. "I just love you...I..."

"It's ok, Pink." Red forced a small smile as he lowered the knife down more until it was pressing against his skin. "I can do this."

(I need to get the first aid!) Yellow shot a look towards Black hoping that he would understand, and then ran off.

The Ones Among Us (Red x Pink, Purple x White, Yellow x Black)Where stories live. Discover now