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Y/N's POV:
I feel a slight breeze lift up my skirt and I begin to have a mini panic attack praying that no one saw my "undergarments".
I feel like I'm glowing bright red but then, to make it even worse of course, Sakusa just had to grab my waist and sit me back down. I mean don't get me wrong I'm happy the entire class didn't see anything and it was only Sakusa, but it was Sakusa.

I know for a fact that my face was now on fire and that I was going to die in the next five seconds. But I mean I had to say thank you right. Oh gosh this is so embarrassing! I can't! No I have to!

"Thank you Sakusa-kun." I kind of mumble but I'm sure he can here me. I hope.

"Thank you Sakusa-kun." I hear the now red girl say to me under her breath.
"Y-yeah no problem." I think I might be a bit red after witnessing that... well situation.

Y/N's POV:

I manage to calm myself and get up making sure my skirt didn't lift up this time, and walk over to Natsuki who is now face-first on the floor because when I dodged her- or rather she missed me she ran straight into the wall, and of course, fell on her face.
"Natsuki-san are you alright?" I say looking down at the girl.
"YeAH!" She says in a strange tone and hops up.
"Natsuki-sa-" I say just as she interrupts me saying, "l said don't be so formal K/N-Chan! Call me Suki or something! Your like my grandma!" She says while chuckling at her joke.
"You have a bloody nose Suki." I say as she finally stops laughing as blood trickles out of her nose.
"Why didn't you tell me!" She says running to the tissue box. "Your so mean K/N-Chan!" She grunts in a jokingly tone.
"Tsk, tsk, tsk, just like when we were younger." Koharu-San says to the giggling Natsuki who's trying her best to stop the blood.
"Not nice Haru!" Natsuki screeches.
She and I start laughing our asses of at the sight of Natsuki changing her tissue every two seconds because her nose won't stop bleeding.
"I'm going to go get some drinks from the vending machine. You guys want anything?"
I ask the girls while Natsuki still has two tissues now shoved up her nose. "She looks like a mad dragon." I whisper to Koharu who bust out laughing in response but manages to get out "on-one black t-tea!"
Natsuki yells saying "I'll take the same thing that she said!" In an oddly angry but funny manor. This make me and haru-san laugh even more.
"Ok I'll be right back you guys!" I say as I sigh and begin to look for the vending machines. I see my mother's classroom and begin to walk in to ask her if she knows where they are but I see Sakusa and decide to ask him instead. But when I'm walking over there I get bumped into by one of his fans who just pushes me out of the way. I guess he's of the table back to mom. But her calls me over and says "What are you looking for." He says then starts to mouth help with his lips. I giggle and say, "oh just the vending machines." I say, " But I guess since your busy then I'll just look for them on my own." I say and give him puppy dog eyes. I swear on my momm- I mean I swear to you I saw him blush.
"Oh me busy no I've got plenty of time!" He says while walking around the girl who is now chasing after us as we run away.
We finally loose her and are both out of breath. By the end of our chase we're in the courtyard and Sakusa shows me the vending machines there. The courtyard is beautiful in my opinion it has pretty wisteria (to keep away Demons of course🤪) and cherry blossoms that aren't in bloom but they are still pretty.
"Woah this schools really cool Sakusa-San."
I say looking at him with sparkles in my eyes.
"Whatever germ, this place is filthy." He says standing by the vending machines.
"Your just a germaphobe!" I say teasing him.
"Just get your drinks germ."he snaps back.

I walk over and get two black teas and one strawberry milk.

"Who's the strawberry milk for I didn't think we had any little kids in our class. I mean your short enough to be one bu-" he gets interrupted by me punching his arm pretty hard.
"Ouchies!" He yelps.
"Who's the little kid now!" I say staring up at his scrunched up nose but before I can laugh he sprays a pound of Lysol onto his sleeve where I punched it.
"Gross!" He says in a teasing tone.
I begin to cough but I turns into a laugh as the Lysol clears away.

She's so cute when she scrunches her nose. It's so cute how she gets strawberry milk. I love it when she laughs I want to be the one to make her laugh everyday. Ugh gosh she's like a virus in my head oh gosh I can't stop thinking about her eyes! Oh but her smile! And her cute freckles! (Sorry if you don't have freckles. You do now. Your welcome. Be glad.)

Does he know that I know he's staring at me. Oh no is there something on my face. Wiocidkxicjidis shit what if he really thinks it weird I get strawberry milk?!

"You used to get strawberry milk when we were little I remember."

Authors Note<3
Yahoo! Sorry this ones kinda short, I think it's cute though. Didn't mean to leave you on a cliff hanger though. Anyways I know this is a lot to ask especially because I have like no followers but should I do a Todoroki x reader or maybe another mha character. I'd be willing to write Bakugo, Shinsou, Todoroki, and anyone else but deku because it's deku.☺️🧁 bye bye lovies      

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