𝑺𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒘𝒃𝒆𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝑴𝒊𝒍𝒌

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"I remember you used to get strawberry milk when you were little." I say having flashbacks of sharing drink with one another. Which now that I think back at it, she was the only person I was okay with spreading germs with. She would constantly fall and I was always there. We were best friends. Then she left. I remember it now but I've mostly forgotten about her. Now that she's here I get flashbacks every step I take from primary school with her. 
"I did?" She laughs. "I remember now! You would always get water of green tea! I thought you were so weird for getting such unsweet drinks. You baver ate candy, cakes, or anything sweet." She said smiling while opening her drink.
"That is so not true! I always ate your moms cookies!" I say making sure she knows I'm joking.
"Oh yeah! My moms cookies! Why did you only eat them?" She asked.
"I mean why else would you eat cookies idiot? Because they were good!" I say.
"Well it's just weird that you didn't eat anything else that was sweet." She says wonderingly.
I'd eat anything if you made it. I almost said that out loud but thankfully I caught myself.
"Well I think it's because she put dark chocolate in them instead of normal chocolate. It kind of tasted like coffee. I remember she used to split the dough in half and she would put normal chocolate in yours and dark chocolate in mine." I say remembering how she would make the bitter cookies.
"Oh I remember that! I'll have to have her make some soon for you! I'll even make sure that their warm with melted chocolate!" She says sipping her milk afterwards.

Y/N's POV:

Omg I'm so nervous. I think I'm going to die. What if she doesn't remember how to make them! What if he's vegan or something now! What if h- I get interrupted by Sakusa saying, "That sounds so good right now. I heard you were playing Volleyball this year. My mom said something about  you being good." He says while I just sip my drink.
"Hell yeah I'm good I'm the number one female setter in Japan! At least for the secondary school league." I say proud of myself.
"I saw you were good to! You're like number one something to right?" I say nervous that I just yelled a cuss word. What if he thinks I'm improper?!
"Yeah Im the number one spiker. I'm pretty great if you ask me." He says looking down at me with a mask on his chin.
"Hey! Don't get cocky!" I say teasingly.
"Let's just go to class I'm hungry!" I say praying my stomach won't rumble.(no like frfr I'm hungry as ballsacks right now like Jesus Christ!)
We walk into class and Yumi-san and Natsuki I mean Yumi-san and Suki are waiting for me. Smiling as I walk in with the curly haired man. Suki even had the audacity to wiggle her eyebrows. I get all flustered as curse her in my head and mouth, "I'm gonna kill you!" While giving her my meanest most scary face she runs behind Yumi and says "That monster is gonna eat me!!!" Suki yelled. "Let's just go to the cafeteria!" I say, while still laughing at Yumi-San and Suki.
(I know they don't eat in the cafeteria in Japan, but for now let's just say they do.)
"Fine but you owe me a melon bun after tryouts today Yumi!" Suki says while walking to her desk to get her bento out of her bag. I walk over and grab mine and notice Sakusa staring at me. I, of course, look away probably red as a beet trying not to embarrass myself even more. I see him smile at me from the corner of my eye so I smile back. I walk over to Haru-senpai and Suki and start to joke around with them and talk about volleyball as we walked to the cafeteria and took our seats.
"Let's sit with Yumi and Riko!" Suki says pointing at the table with two girls who looked similar One of them looked younger with black hair with black bangs and a nervous expression. The other one with curly black hair and a loud voice. She was talking to the younger girl about her spiking technique and how she wasn't supposed to hit it out. She was in the middle of telling the younger girl about how she could fix that when Suki yelled, "Yumi, Riko-Chan! We've got the other first year!
"Really?!" The loud girl shouts.
"I've heard a lot about you Y/N! Suki texted me during class about how you were going to our school!" She says in a very excited voice, which I'm guessing is her normal voice. Her and Suki seemed to be close.
The girl ran over with a big grin and I could tell she had A bunch of words to say.

"Could you set me this year?! Your super smart right? This is my underclassmen Riko she's your age! You're taking second year classes right? Well I was wondering if you could help her out in math she's fine in everything else but she's not good at math. Anyways could you set her to? She's a wing spiker!" She says at about a billion miles per hour.
"I- well of course I can set her b- I mean I. An hel-" I was saying overwhelmed by the words that came out of her mouth. To be honest I was quite confused.
"Haruka, I think your overwhelming her." The girl says looking up from the book she was reading.
"Hey she's just like that sometimes. Sorry about that." She said looking at me with a nervous smile.
"Your a really good setter r-right?" She says.
"Yeah your Riko right?" I say, "I've heard about your smart hits and feints, I'm excited to maybe be setting you this year."
I add with a small smile. I think me and this girl could really be good friends.
"Oh I- thanks." She says while blushing and going back to her seat. She goes right back to reading her book.
"I'm Haruka! I'm in the fourth best blocker in Japan!" She says loudly
"You should watch me. Wait no you should set me!" She says with a big smile. Even though Riko-Chan and Koharu-senpai look so similar they really are complete opposites.
"It would be my pleasure Nakumara-senpai!" I say truly excited to set the girl.

"Haru! Haru! Did you hear her she called me senpai!!!!" She says with stars in her eyes.
(A/N she reminds me of Tanaka and bokuto combined!)
"Let's eat already!" Suki says.
We all sit down and I start to eat my sushi.
"Y/N-Chan you have incredible posture!" Yumi-San says with her eyes wide.

"Oh thank you. My mother told me when I was younger that I'd i had bad posture monsters would eat me in my sleep." As I said that everyone went silent.
"Wut da fawk." Suki says.
"I-" someone said.
They all started to laugh.
"I thought It was normal. My mom said it happens to everyone who had bad posture" I said staying at everyone which only made them laugh harder.

𝑻𝑰𝑴𝑬𝑺𝑲𝑰𝑷 (๑•̀д•́๑)

After lunch, we went back to class and it was time to learn English and social studies. Ew.

I had this class with Riko-Chan because she's good at English. Suki was also in this class. And so was Sakusa. Sakusa.
We all sit down then learn some English.😒
After class.

"Y/N-Chan! Let's go to tryouts now!" Suki says with a smile.

"Ok." I say nervous about making the team or not.
"Don't be nervous you'll be fine!" She says noticing that I'm nervous.

"I hope so!" I say reassured that I'll be fine.

We get to the try outs and I see the group of girls that I saw online and Riko-Chan with two other girls a woman and a tall guy with a middle part.

He looks like he's a first year and the other two girls are also tall and look like first years.

I should go introduce myself.

"Hello I'm Y/N L/N if you want you can call me K/N." I say looking at the two girls and bowing my head at the coach and the tall boy. The boy looks to be about in middle school. I'm guessing he's the coaches son.

"Hello L/N I'm your coach Sakura Hoshi. Call me coach Sakura or just coach is fine." She says giving me a small smile. She just about 10 cm taller than me or so.

"Hello I'm Tatsuo Hoshi, I'm the coach's son. I'm a third year here." He says in a very sweet voice.
He's a third year?! I mean he's as tall as one but he has such a baby face. I begin to notice I'm staring at him with a confused look.

"I know I look young but I'm really not." He says blushing.
"I'm sorry Hoshi-senpai." I say bowing and looking down with a beet red face.

"Wait I- no it's fine it's okay." He says stuttering.
"Hi Y/N chan I'm Misayo Rei. I'm a first year." She says.
"I'm Yui Mashimoto." The other girl says.
The second girl seemed a bit salty.

A/N that's all for now but I'm sorry it took so long. I've got a lot going on I'm moving to somewhere I don't really want to and that means a new school and I'm really just not happy. But I love writing this! Heyo Rangeen!

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