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《Recommanded song: Be somebody- thousand foot crutch》

"Why did you stop playing volleyball?..,"

Kageyama asked.. for the second time. He picked up the molten you missed to serve...🏐

"Hinata was wrong.. You're a setter aren't you? I've seen you play once. It was just a glance... But i can say.. You were great. Why let it go? ..."




"... I'll leave the cleaning up to you Kageyama kun! Since you stayed late,"

I grabbed my bag and left. While he's still dumbfounded...

It was rude of me ...
But I need to go...
And I'll tell him when I really feel like it.....

And I'll tell him when I really feel like it

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《Saturday at 5:00 a.m》

The reunion with my middle school friends went well... we talked about some nostalgic stuff and enjoyed some drinks...

My friend from Aoba Johsai asked me to come watch their matches one day...

My friend from Aoba Johsai asked  me to come watch their matches one day

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High school really makes people change , huh?..
Some of my former-teammates have boyfriends already..

"Wonder when I'll find the one?"

I talked to myself , enjoying the evening breeze and pedalling my bike ..


"Is that a kid?"
I pulled over my bike, and a kid was crying, looking up a tree...

"Are those badminton rackets?.. What happened ?"

"T-the wind .. m-my shuttlecock is *sniff* stuck on that tree!"

He tried to explain while crying...

The branch was really high... I probably can't reach it with a jump,

"I'll take it back for you, hold this," I gave him my bike...

"You're climbing up? *sniff"
"Yeah . Hope I reach it though,.."

I tried to reach it with my fingertips, wishing the branch won't snap. If it did, the fall won't be pretty...

"GOT IT!" ♪ヽ('▽`)/
I finally retrieved the shuttlecock!


With that cracking sound, I realized... the branch has failed me,..

( ̄□ ̄;)!!

"Onee-chan! (Sis!)"
The kid down there screamed with horror...

As he feared , I fell down with the gust of wind...

I shut my eyes tight, bracing for the pain,...

But instead of the pain,.. after the falling sensation , I felt warm arms wrapping around me
And the body that cusioned my fall...

I opened my eyes slowly to see who my prince charming was...

Aw man... please.. Anyone but him

The wind blew of his bangs ... and I finally have a clear vision of what his face looked like...

He looked rather relieved...

The kid was staring , mouth opened, at a miracle that only happens in movies...

He was still carrying me for a few seconds, ,..till I tugged his shirt and called his name,

"Kageyama kun?.."

He finally lets me down, and I gave the kid his toy back.
He thanked me alot of times before he skadaddled.

"Becareful next time," I waved at the kid and turned to Kageyama... who was still panting . Probably from dashing to save someone in a split second..




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"Ahh. I'm sorry Kageyama-kun.. I must have freaked you out..,"

I take it back. He was probably more "angry" than 'relieved'.
His eyes.. I've seen him pissed off around Hinata but .. they were not this way...

"You could've asked for help! Or throw a stick or.. or . I DUNNO ! There're alot of ways,.. You chose the most dangerous route,"
He sighed..,

"Thanking me or apologizing me won't make me feel better
Just promise...

Don't do that again,"

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